Chapter 33: The Thanksgiving Festival

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For the following couple of weeks, Connor and Troye had become pretty frequent at each other's houses. Whenever they had free time and no other sort of plans, they would go over to each other's places and spend time together, doing anything from studying for school to helping out Troye with his songs. He had some pretty good ideas, and Connor was amazed he hadn't heard any of them before. He thought they would make a pretty good addition to "The Brits"' repertoire, considering they mostly did covers and it was about time they had some songs of their own.

Of course, they would also play video games and spend time with Mikey, Alexis and even Tyde, when they were over at Troye's. Little by little the rascal had been growing on Connor, and eventually he decided he didn't dislike Troye's little brother anymore, considering that even Alexis had already made up with him. In fact; from what Connor understood, they were sort of even friends now, hanging out more frequently at school and after it during the weekends and stuff, with the rest of Mikey's friend group, to which Alexis had gotten pretty tight with. Tyde did have ADHD after all, and after being explained what it was by Troye, Connor came to understand that perhaps some of his acting wasn't entirely intentional, or even slightly ill-willed.

And then, whenever they knew they were alone, Connor and Troye would use that time for another of their "sessions". Connor didn't even know what to call them anymore; and he surely didn't ask Troye for what he thought about it, so it became more of a routine thing. Neither of them would tell the other what they wanted to do, or if they wanted to do it. It was more implicit. As if every time they were in the same room, they were always up for it, as long as they were completely and entirely alone. They also didn't go any further from what they did on Halloween, mostly because it was already that good for both of them, or at least that's what Connor told himself over and over. Yet he wouldn't ask Troye, and like that it became taboo. If it hadn't been that way in the beginning, it certainly was now. No inhibitions and no second thoughts. You don't ask, I don't tell.

Connor would have been lying if he'd said that deep down, the questions he wanted to ask weren't eating him alive. But he kept to himself; and write down in his journal. Long-time prior, that book had already become his way out, the only thing where he'd dare to ask that sort of questions. And absolutely nobody had the right to read it.

What does Blue think about what we do?

What do I think about what Blue and I do?

Is it ok? Is it wrong?

Why is there something telling me that it's not what I think it is?

But even in the complete solace and privacy of that book, he kept himself from asking the question that really, really scared him.

Red was another very frequent visit for Connor as well. Whenever he wasn't with Troye, he seemed to be with her. They had their system, and it seemed to work; they would meet at the usual café, make sure they hadn't been seen, take a small walk back to Alexa's parent's inn, and then have their private class. She always kept him on top of her priorities, even when she had other stuff on her plate, like a night out with the cheerleading squad she rarely ever frequented or a pep rally or anything else of the sort. Connor knew she was helping him out of free will, he just didn't know why, and it was a lot harder because he refrained himself from asking questions, and she from giving answers or hints. It wasn't like that the other way around; whenever she asked Connor about how it was going between him and the mysterious gas station kid. Every time she asked, Connor answered and she wouldn't seem surprised. It was almost as if she already knew everything that was happening.

It was also strange thinking that just like Connor and Alexa were sharing bed sheets, Troye and Lia were together somewhere else, practicing, or probably doing the same thing. And he didn't tell anyone, especially not Red, but that thought made Connor's head throb in pain and anger seep through his skin and bones.

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