Chapter 38: "It's over"

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Many people argue at what point in all the great stories, the hero they have fallen in love for faces their greatest challenge. Sometimes it's a loss, sometimes it's a battle to face, sometimes it's neither of those and it's just something nobody expected until it's actually shown in the pages they read. The great warriors that defeated mighty villains of all your favorite stories; the one time Achilles led the Greek men into Troye, or even when Harry Potter had to face the death of Sirius Black and confront the Dark Lord of the Wizarding World. Thing is, there's always that point in their stories, in which it stops being a game, and it becomes a fight for everything you believe in. That's what hardships do to people. They shape you, make you stronger. You must become stronger, or else you might not outlive them. And what's the point of having a great story if there's nobody to tell it afterwards?

Connor never thought of the death of his parents that way. He always knew that it was part of him, part of his life, even if nobody else seemed to think that way. And of course it was a hardship; definitely the hardest one he'd ever have to face in his entire life, and he knew that well. But he didn't know if there was anything else waiting for him down the line. His life, to his own perspective, was in no way near to that of great Greek heroes or saviors of the magical world.

So, instead, he enjoyed watching other people's stories. See them, understand them. And when they got to that point in which they became that one hardship their heroes had to face, those that engage the viewer or the listener the most, that's when he stuck with it the most. He imagined everything the hero was going through, trying to picture it in his own words and feelings. How could they defeat that mighty giant? Save the one in danger? Cross that mountain knowing the greatest storm was coming?

Even in Alice in Wonderland's story there was such a moment, the climax. It's basic to every children's story, because it's usually that part that teaches the kids a lesson. To Connor, it was the moment in which Alice was taken to court by the Queen of Hearts. Even if most of her story was determined by chance rather than her own acting, it was then that she stood up for herself and ended up winning.

Alexis did a great Alice, that was for certain. Connor enjoyed watching her perform during their rehearsals, even if she still wasn't talking much to him due to the late events. Now that the swimming team was on a break he didn't have anything preventing him from watching the drama club practice. He knew that he still had to be supportive of her in the school's play. The lead was a very big part, after all. At first he went alone, and when she saw him, she got a bit tense, but did her part anyway. With time she got used to him watching, and became more and more engaged with the acting even as him as her audience. And, since Lilly was already going to the rehearsals every day to coach Alexis and help Mr. Dawson in directing the kids whenever he asked for her assistance, the two friends had made it a habit to walk their way to the auditorium together every day after class. One day, Lilly and Connor walked towards the auditorium, as they talked about their boring day. School had already become a lame routine with all the holiday get-ups and stuff celebrating Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanza and you name it. They had both already learned to endure that part of their academic lives.

-"And what about Ms. Ballinger's obsession with Christmas Carols?"—Lilly said, scoffing—"She sure is getting high hopes on more kids joining the voluntary choir, but I don't see that happening."

-"Well, some of them seemed interested."—Connor observed.

-"Not really... did anyone, really?"

-"Yeah, like, Troye? Well, he might not have much time, considering the auditions for that internship he wants and the contest for the Broods..."

-"Yeah, he told me he won't be able to go to choir this year."

-"I thought I saw other people... you know, I thought Oli seemed interested?"

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