Chapter 40: The feeling of being burned

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Few people know the feeling of time standing still, and seeming like it will never start up again. The feeling gotten from a sight that has changed everything in a matter of seconds forever, with no chance of return, and it's so unbelievable that the little fraction becomes a million eternities, and you are left stranded in a reality in which you don't want to accept. You can't accept it. It can't be true. But you know it is, and there's nothing you can do about it.

That feeling of despair, of incapability; it's one of the worst forms of self-pity in the world, and something Connor dreaded with every fiber of his body.

It's the feeling of being complete and utterly powerless.

And that's how he felt right at that moment, when he was standing before the display of the sonogram in front of the entire school, and that horrible taunting message that had been written on top of it just so that the knife would cut deeper.

The world spun, but in slow motion. Yet every single noise was a million times louder, and unlike other times, Connor couldn't avoid listening to the whispers.

"Oh my God, Alexa Losey was pregnant!?"

"Do you really think this was hers?"

"Who would do such a thing...?"

"Why does it say to rest in peace? Did she lose the baby?"

"From when is this? Does it even have a date?"

"It couldn't have been that long ago!"

"Oh my God..."

To every word Connor overheard, his heartbeat rate rose, as ice cold drops of sweat dripped down his semblance. He could feel Lilly's glance next to him, trying to get some reaction from the green-eyed boy. But it was futile; he was frozen solid. He couldn't do anything but stare at the picture, and imagining what it would look like if a few more months had passed by. What would have been the tiniest hands, a little bulb that would turn into a head, or even the position the baby would have taken, posed within Red's womb.

And then, he reacted.

With quick and despaired movements that were comparable only to those of a madman, he rushed towards the bulletin board, pushing his way through the gossips and curious, not caring how many people he stumbled over. With shaky fingers and unsteady breath, he opened the glass that enclosed the billboard, and tore out the paper printed picture in half. He didn't have any time to care about what it looked like; but he didn't need to, he could very well hear the people behind him.

"Hey, who's that guy!?"

"Isn't he that Franta kid?"

"Wait, he's new, right?"

"I heard he beats up freshmen."

"Why is he tearing out the picture?"

"You know what? I've seen him talking with Losey a couple of times."

"Yeah, by those benches at the football field!"

By the time he was done removing the picture, he was well aware of the sweat and the unsteadiness of his body. People kept talking, but his attention was far from their rumors. Instead, he looked towards the left, to which he knew that at the end of the hall, was another bulletin board.

And just as he feared: a second group of people, much larger this one, was gathered around that other bulletin as well, watching the exact same picture. With little to no control or thought of his actions, Connor pushed his way out of the mob around him and into that next one, once again forcing his way up until he reached the board, only to find it shut with a padlock.

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