"Remember...it's just two weeks..."

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"Oh Bobby! Isn't this going to be so much fun!" Linda squealed to her husband as he carried the last suitcase down the stairs.

"As long as you still promise we won't stop by your parents house..."

"Oh don't be silly...they're just meeting us one night for dinner."


"Bob! I want to see my parents just once!" she met Bob at the end of the stairs, placed a hand on his chest, then leaded her head under his chin "Then it'll just be you and me all alone every night..."

"Sick!" Yelled Louise from the top of the stairs. "Haven't you two already done enough by leaving me alone to work ever day with that...that...ugh!"

"Logan isn't that bad, Louise." Bob chuckled. He never really understood what Louise and Logan's relationship was. Half the time they were at each other's throats then next thing you know they're teaming up to ruin someone's day. In Logan's last year of high school the two of them had spent every day together until ,of course, Logan left to live with his dad, who had been living in Washington since him and his wife divorced when Logan was 15, for college which didn't end up going too well for him.

Louise followed her parents out to the car. Bob squeezed the last suitcase in then opened the door for Linda who gave him a quick peck before sliding into her seat. "Even if you two don't always get along..."

"We never get along!"

"Well, not never..."

"I hate his face!"

"Either way! You need the help. I can't leave you here running the restaurant all alone. Tina and Gene are still working on that play so they won't be able to come home for the break."

"Psh. I'm not going to waste my time with college." Louise crossed her arms over her chest. She was some what jealous of her sibling for getting into such a good college up state. Although she knows she wouldn't go to college even if she had the grades because she already had her heart set on running the restaurant but it still got to her sometimes.

Bob frowned a little. He knew it wasn't his fault that his daughter was feel self conscious but he still happily changed the subject when he saw Logan pulling up to the curve. "Hey! Look who's here!"

Louise let out a loud moan. Bob leaned down to hug her and whispered, "Remember...it's just two weeks..."

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