Chapter 31

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Here I am, back again in the same hallways that have lead me to Drew. Everything reminds me of him now, he's in everything I see. We've been together for I'm not even entirely sure how long. Yes, that's right, I haven't even been counting.

 With Drew time is different, it stops, and everything is frozen around us. With him, time stretches and lasts forever. He is my forever, and I am his. So whenever people ask me when our one year or whatever month is, I only smile and shrug. We don't need to celebrate in a fancy way that we have been together for a long time. Every day for us is a celebration.

I can see him now, showing me his brightest smile, and I wonder to myself how an ordinary boy could ever be anything but ordinary. Maybe this is what it's like to truly love someone, to see them as so much more than they really are. 

"Hello, my dear," he pulls me in closer, and I still gasp at his grip. I still get excited every time he so much as glances in my direction. 

"Good morning," I say as politely as I can.

"Mhm," he mutters, and we both start laughing. 

Saying good morning to him was the first thing I ever really said to him, and now the greeting is different. It belongs to us, and it has brought me every happiness. 

He intertwines his hand in mine, and as we walk through the halls, I feel as if we are taking on the world together. Well, taking on history class together, I guess. 

"I actually have to go to the office during class, so I'll see you right after class." He kisses my forehead and walks away. I already miss him. I know that sounds a bit crazy, but being with him makes me feel comfortable. Without him, I miss the constant warmth of his hand, and the smell of his clothes. Everything about him makes me feel safe.

I mean, I'm not terrified when I'm without him, but he does make everything much better. He's my anchor. 

As I take my seat next to Drew's empty one, I look out the window. It's pouring rain, and I wish I was outside instead of class. I love the smell of rain. If I could, I would capture it in a jar and keep it forever. Even scented candles probably can't capture the pure smell of fresh rain on the pavement.

I try paying attention to Mrs. Edwards, but I catch something in the corner of my eye. I look back outside, and see Drew standing in the rain, soaked. Dakota's with him, and laughing.

What the hell's going on? She grabs a huge poster from her bag, and Drew grabs an end of it, while she holds the other.

It says prom on it. 

He's literally asking me to prom in the pouring rain. 

I stand up abruptly, my chair making the loudest screeching noise possible, and the whole room goes silent. "Allison, are you all right my dear?" Mrs. Edwards is asking me, but I'm not even listening. 

I run out of the room, and I see the whole class stand up to look outside the window, looking at Drew and Dakota. I open the doors, and run to Drew. 

"What are you doing?" I yell to him, even though he's right in front of me. I am already fully soaked, but I couldn't care less.

"Asking you to prom, silly," he laughs. 

"Yes, of course I'll go with you. You didn't even have to ask." 

I grab the sides of his jacket and pull him closer to me, and I kiss him in the rain while everyone is watching from their classrooms. 

He really didn't need to ask me in such a public way, but I couldn't be happier that he did. Us three will probably be sent home since we're soaked, and I can spend the rest of my day with the people I love most. 

Also, what girl in her right mind would hate to be asked to prom by the cutest boy alive with everyone watching? Showing the world that I'm the luckiest girl in the world? 

"I love you," I say into his lips that are bright pink and covered in rain drops. 

"And I love you," he practically whispers back. 

When we're back at his house and dry, we start to make sugar cookies, my favorite. "I can't even believe you guys did that," I laugh.

"Well we did, and guess what. Since I stood in the pouring rain to help, you are definitely obliged to also be my date, no question." Dakota says, and sits between Drew and I.

I love them both so much that my heart could burst any second. I feel Drew's hand grab mine from behind Dakota, and I can't help but smile. 

---------------Drew's POV---------------

Asking my girl to prom really was a success. I've gotten text messages from a bunch of people at school saying what I did was really cute, and I'm glad I pulled it off. 

When I first met Ally, people made rude comments because she's brilliant. She's intelligent and beautiful, making everyone green with envy. She doesn't even know that, that the reason why people were always so rude to her was because they were jealous. She assumed that there was something wrong with her, and made her shy.

That fact alone kills me, but I try everyday to show her that her thoughts are wrong. I try to be the best boyfriend for her, and make her immensely happy. My feelings for her are so strong, and there are times where I doubt if she understands how strong they are, or if she loves me as much as I love her.

Of course, I know she does. I know it's ridiculous to have doubt, but I have never felt this way for anyone before in my life, and I know that she's the one for me. 

I hope that we can have forever together. The very thought of not being with her breaks my heart. Without her, I wouldn't be alive. I live off of her bright smile, warm spirit, and her jokes that are so dumb that they're funny. 

I am determined to never let her go, and never disappoint her. How I got so lucky is beyond me, and I can't wait for prom. 

She has always been in love with fairy tales and happy endings, so she will be my princess, and I'm going to be her happy ending. 

A/N: Well hey everyone! I'm well aware of how...terrifyingly short this is. I really hope it's good enough because after ten months I'm trying to get it rolling again! This included a lot of rereading, fixing awful grammar mistakes, and trying to figure out where I want to take this next. I'm not sure at what chapter this story will end, but I'm sure I still have a few left. I'd also like to thank everyone for all the support and encouragement they have given me. I do hope that when I'm older I can write, and this has been so much fun for me. Sorry im such a slacker, lol. Enjoy!! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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