Chapter 6

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A/N: Okay so y'all- I listened to diamonds by Dave Baxter when I wrote this. I really like how it sounds and in case you want to listen to something while reading this I suggest that one :) okay enjoy!!

& mess I made - parachute & a couple more but I don't want to bore everyone!

Allison's point of view -

I wake up and sit up on my bed. I play my music and think about all that's happened in such a short amount of time. I think that Drew and I could become more, but I don't know if we're taking it that fast yet... This is just tiring me all out, but I do not regret any part of being with Drew. The days we... Were with each other, I had more fun than I did in such a long time. I just don't want to jinx this.

It's Saturday so I just lay in my bed. I grab my phone and check if I have any messages. There's only one.

From: Drew

"Come over today? 2:00 pm. Bring your swimsuit."

I immediately smile on instinct and look at the time. 12:00 pm. I really slept in, whoops.

I should eat something and then start getting ready.

I quickly go downstairs and say good morning to my parents, and then grab a blueberry muffin. I finish the fluffy piece of heaven and then go back upstairs.

I pull out my drawer and look at all my bathing suits. I only have three or four, and I've been reusing them a lot. I take out my light blue top with the white bottoms. This is the one I'll wear. I get changed and put on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt over it.


It's two o'clock. I pull out my phone from my pocket to text Drew.

To: Drew

"On my way over right now"

I start heading out of my house. I walk over to his door and ring the doorbell. I always get that nervous feeling when I'm around him, it's something I can't help.

I hear someone coming to the door, and it starts to open. "Come on in." Drew greets me.

We walk through his house to the backyard, and I put my phone down on one of the chairs.

"How are you?" He asks, pulling off his shirt. Oh my goodness.

"Um I'm good." I say, trying to make it not obvious that I'm nervous. I try looking anywhere but at him. Wow, that squirrel was really cute and those are some nice chairs.

I take my shirt off and shorts, trying my best to avoid looking at him. As I put my clothes on the chair I instantly feel hands on my waist. Before I can even process the information Drew has me over his shoulder.

"Drew what the heckity hey are you doing?" I scream.

He starts running to the pool. "No, Drew stop!" I scream. He throws me and I suddenly feel myself go under the cold water. I swim back to the surface and see Drew standing there laughing.

"Get in here right now." I yell.

He laughs and then jumps into the water. When he comes back to the surface I start splashing him with everything I've got. He's gonna pay for this.

I feel my legs getting pulled and I go back under the water.

When we come back up I can't stop laughing. "That's what you get for splashing me like a crazy person." He laughs.

"That was payback. So why did you freaking almost kill me?" I ask, laughing.

"I wasn't trying to kill you, but that was for my own amusement." He smiles.

"Jerk." I smile back.

I feel like I haven't laughed this much before in my life, Drew's so freaking funny. I never knew he was this much fun to be around, but now I do.

I get out of the water and look down at him.

"There once was a boy, who was an total meanie. His name was Drew, and he died because a girl named Allison killed him for getting water in her eyes." I spoke, and then jumped in the water, pulling Drew under.

When we both got back up he put his chin up and said, "Your story is false. I am alive and well haters." He said, splashing me.

*** Drew's point of view ***

I look at her get out if the pool and shake her hair around. I look, and I mean really look at her. She is beautiful. I get out too and she gives me a confusing look. It's probably because I'm acting like a creep and staring at her. I run my hand through my hair. I can't take this anymore, I really can't. I put my hand on her hips and pull her close to me. I can hear her breathing get heavy and my face is inches from hers. I can actually feel her breath on my face. I put my hands on her face and press my lips lightly against hers. I can feel my heart in my throat, I've never felt this nervous around someone. I can't shake this magical feeling. I pull away and her eyes are still closed lightly. She opens them and looks at me, wide eyed. She then puts her hand on my shoulder and this time presses her lips against mine. She shows me that feels the same.

***Allison's point of view***

I get out of the pool and shake my hair. I just need to drink some water and then I'll go back. Drew gets out too, and I wonder why. He walks over to me, and pulls me closer to him. Oh my god, what is happening? I can feel myself grow nervous. We're so close to each other. He puts his hands on my face. Is this gonna be it? My first kiss? I've waited so long for it, and I want Drew to be it. I close my eyes and I feel his lips against mine. I feel like I'm in a dream. His lips are soft against mine, and my heart is thumping in my chest. He pulls away and I already miss his lips against mine. I look at him, he's waiting to see what I am going to say. Stop thinking Allison. Just do what you want. I act on instinct and pull him towards me, this time kissing him. I want him to know I feel the same. I can feel his arms around me, his hands resting on the bottom of my back. I try to hold it back, but I can't. I start smiling.

We pull away and we're both just smiling like idiots. His arms are still around me and he hugs me.

"Be my girlfriend?" He says in my ear.

It almost isn't a question. "Of course." I say with complete clarity.

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