Chapter 10

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** Ally's pov **

"Sorry class, I had to take a moment for something." Mrs. Edwards announces.

I turn my head to Drew and he just smiles. I wonder what happened. He probably apologized.

When Drew stood up for me, that really meant a lot. I'm sorry if I know my history. There are things I don't know, or I obviously wouldn't be in the class. People are so quick to judge me sometimes.

"Will I see you after school?" Drew whispers.

"I have plans with Dakota, maybe after?" I whisper back.

He frowns a little and says, "Yeah that's good."

"Sorry." I mouth to him.

"It's alright." He mouths back and smiles.

We turn to the teacher and pay attention for the rest of class.


I turn to Dakota sitting in her car.

"Bitch get over here." She screams, and I can hear her through her car.

I laugh and get in her car. She hugs me and backs away.

"You have way too much to tell me. Never go that long without updating and hanging out with me again." She scolds me.

"Deal." I laugh.

We drive back to her house and she instantly drags me up to her room. I'm greeted with familiar purple walls. There pictures of us along with her favorite bands hanged on the wall.

"So, what is Drew like?" She asks eagerly.

"Well, he's..." I can't find my words.

"Don't hold back. Describe him how you see him." She smirks.

"Beautiful, sexy, hot as hell, kind, genuine, sweet, unpredictable... He's so many different things combined in one." I say.

"Unpredictable?" She questions.

I was hoping she wouldn't ask about that one.

"He's sort of hard to understand. I feel like he has lots of secrets he's hiding from me." I explain.

"Then you take your phone, put him on speaker, and get the dirt out of him." She tosses my phone in my lap.

"I'd want to talk about those things in person though." I say worriedly.

"But then I wont be able to hear it too." She pouts.

"I'll tell you everything later." I tell her.

"You'll hold out on the good stuff." She frowns.

"Anyways, you should mess with him." She says.

I arch my eyebrow. "Mess with him?"

"Call him and tell him you're horny." She laughs.

"No way is that happening." I laugh.

"Or text him. See what he'd do." She winks.

"I'm not that..." I search a word for it.

"Outgoing when it comes to that stuff. Besides, isn't that kind of mean?" I ask her.

"Ally, you know you got a little horny at the thoughts of what he probably would say. Do it." She pushes.

"Please, I want to know. Drew's not really that type in person, I want to see how he'd act." She smiles.

At the same time, I want to know too.

"You so want to find out too." She laughs.

I start dialing his number. What the hell am I doing.

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