Chapter 2

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"Rise and shine!" My dad calls. Surprised it wasn't my mother calling me today. Dad must be excited that we're going to the family friend party thing today, even though I'm dreading it with every fiber of my being.

5:45 am. I really don't have to be awake right now, but oh well. I grab a bright green T-shirt from my drawers and a pair of leggings. Who needs to be fancy? I sure as hell don't. I'm just tired, I went to bed at like 3:00 am because I couldn't sleep. I apply my mascara and a little bit of eyeliner, and walk downstairs.

"I can drive you to school today if you want." My dad must really be happy I agreed to going.

"Sure, that would be great." I'm trying to be as positive as I can today, but I really can't. I guess I'm just in a really bad mood.

I grab my backpack and head into my dads car after breakfast. I plug in my headphones and try to make this drive go by fast. I just want today to be over with. I can tell my dad wants to talk to me, but I really don't. He's probably just going to thank me for not being grumpy about going, but little does he know, I am.

Once we arrive at school, my dad gives me a hug and I can tell it means a lot to him. Why does it mean so much? I mean, it's just a little party in their backyard... What's so special about it?

The day goes by faster than I predicted, and I even flirted with Jacob during last period. He's handsome, and incredibly charming.

"You should call me tonight." Jacob says eagerly. No one's usually this interested in me, not gonna lie.

"Sure," I laugh. I probably seem so dumb. I'm a nervous wreck, but what can I say? Cute boys are my weakness. And I never get the guy... Maybe this is my chance.

I walk to my locker and begin getting my homework.

"I wouldn't trust him," I hear behind me. As I turn around, I see Drew.

"Excuse me?" What is he even talking about?

"Jacob. Don't trust him." Why do you even care?

"Um, why not? I can trust or talk to whoever I want thank you." I slam my locker and start walking. Of course, he's walking with me.

"If you think he's so great, why doesn't he have a girlfriend?" He asks me. Of course I wondered this myself, but this isn't any of Drew's business.

"Maybe he's still looking for someone he wants to date, why does it matter to you?" He's really pissing me off.

"He doesn't want to date you, he wants to fuck you, but I warned you, so do whatever you want." He walked away without a word after that.

I'm beyond appalled once I heard him say that. Who is he to even say that to me? We aren't even friends. We don't even talk to each other. In all honesty it hurt my feelings when he said that to me. Jacob does want to date me, doesn't he? I mean, he was obviously flirting with me and it wasn't like he was trying to get in my pants after one conversation... All he did was talk to me and give me his number, so what's so wrong? I don't even understand why Drew would come up to me and say that. We're practically strangers.

I don't even realize that I've been crying till I arrive at my door. I'm so mad I didn't even realize I walked home. Great, I could've just gone on the bus. Seems like Drew has been ruining everything today, and now I have to go to his house? This is a joke.

"I think I'm going to stay home." I yell to my parents, rushing upstairs to fix my make up. I'm sure it's ruined.

"We already told the Phillips's that we're all going, sorry sweetie. What made you change your mind? You know we want you to go with us." My mom says, outside my door. Why so many freaking questions?

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