Chapter 7

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***Allison's point of view***

We both just stand there awkwardly. My heart is still racing. I can't take my eyes off of him.

"Ally," he whispers.

"Yes?" I say, almost inaudible.

"I don't know." He laughs softly.

"I should go home and change." I say. I can't imagine going back in the pool right now.

"Come back when you're done." He says while I start walking.

I was kind of hoping I could go home and think about everything. What if I make this all awkward and uncomfortable? We didn't even know what to say after...

The kiss. Oh my god, I wish I could have him kiss me for the rest of my life. I will never get used to that... If it happens again. I brush my fingers against my lips, oh my god.

I'm so giddy, I rush inside to take a shower and get changed. When I finish, I get my leggings and a white T-shirt. I'm not a fancy dresser in general, and I doubt just hanging out with Drew will need that attire.

I start walking over to Drew's house. My heart is thumping in my chest. Okay Ally. Calm down, it's just Drew. Your....boyfriend.

He's my boyfriend. He comes to the door and gets out. What?

"What are we-" I start to say.

"It's a surprise." He says, amusement in his tone.

We get in his car and he turns the radio on, but plays it softly. I look at him while he's driving. Please let me kiss him again. Should I be the one to do it? Should I just go for it?

He glances at me and then asks, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I say. I hope that was somewhat convincing.

We arrive at a little building. "Glow in the dark mini golf?" I say, the excitement in me is rising.

"Yeah, let's go." He smiles brightly. He's just as excited as I am.

We get inside and he pays. He should really tell me when to bring money, but he keeps saying it's his pleasure.

I look so weird. "You should've told me, I'm glowing like crazy." I would choose a white tshirt. I can already feel

everyone's stares.

"They're all staring because you're beautiful, not because of your shirt." He flirts, putting an arm around my waist. Will he kiss me again or was the first time the last? I'm so dumb honestly, thinking a boy like him would be that interested in me.

He puts my chin between his index finger and thumb. Oh jesus help me...

"I could kiss you for the rest of my life." He says, and then presses those beautiful lips against mine. How did I get so lucky?

"What are you thinking?" He asks once he pulls away.

"Just how I got so lucky." I say quietly.

He laughs. "The real question Ally, is how I got so lucky."

"You have no idea." He adds. He almost sounds like he's in pain.

"There's stuff you still need to know about me, but you'll find out." He tells me. Well now I'm completely curious! How could he lay this on me? I want to know, and I want to know now.

"Now lets play some mini golf." He says, breaking my thoughts.

I still want to know what he means by what he said. Stuff I need to know? I push it to the back of my mind, but I will find out later.

"Okay next one you are going down." I say, knowing he doesn't want to talk right about it right now.

I don't want to push my luck and then have him decide not to tell me anything.

Drew has been laughing at me for the past thirty minutes because I keep missing. Sorry I swing too hard, golfing isn't my thing. golfing that is. How the heck to people even do this?

I swing too hard and completely miss even tapping the ball.

"You suck at this." Drew laughs at me.

"Mind if I do something cheesy as hell?" He asks with a smile on his face. Uh what?

"Sure." I say.

He hugs me from behind and then puts his hands over mine on the golf club. Oh my dear lord. My heart is once again in my throat and I'm scared I'm going to start shaking.

"Just lightly," He doesn't finish his sentence and helps me hit the golf ball.

We must look stupid since this is only mini golf.

"Got it." I say, do I sound nervous still?

We go to the next one and I try again by myself, getting a whole in one.

"And Andrew Daniel Phillips has been defeated!" I say loudly.

"I'm seriously crushing you, but sure." He laughs.

He turns me to me and grabs my face with both hands, lightly kissing once again. I think this is my favorite feeling in the world.

We are showing so much PDA, but I'm happy.

A little girl with brown wavy hair comes up to us with her mother. She has a yellow dress with white flowers, lighting up in the glow in the dark lights.

"Hi sorry to bother you two. I hope this doesn't seem out of line or creepy, but my daughter asked me to take a picture of you two, she's very into the whole 'capture in the moment' thing. It turned out really sweet and I wanted you guys to see it." The mother explains, while her daughter looks down. She's so nervous, it's adorable.

She hands us her phone and we look down at it. Drew's arms are around me and I'm looking up at him. We're both smiling. The lighting shows us sort of well, but it's perfect.

"She really thought you two were adorable." She says, giving us a friendly smile.

"Can you send this to me?" I speak up, smiling brightly.

She hands me her phone and I send the picture to my number. I squat down and look at the little girl.

"Thank you for getting that picture of us, I really love it." I whisper.

She looks up at me and hugs me. I can't help but laugh. She is the cutest kid in the world.

"Bye." She waves at us, and then drags her mother back to where they were playing. Her mom turns back and waves to us, and I'm smiling like an idiot. That was so sweet of them to do.

"You're gonna send that to me later too." Drew says, smiling.

"Yeah of course. That was so sweet, the girl was adorable." I say.

I already know this is going to be one of my favorite pictures of us.

We finish mini golfing and go to his car. The car ride to my house is silent. I'm so tired, but I had a lot of fun.

"Thank you again." I laugh when he pulls into my driveway.

"For tonight." I add on, walking to my driveway.

We both have school tomorrow, so I had to go home early. I eat dinner with my parents and then head up stairs for bed.

Just around the corner (drew phillips fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant