Chapter 4

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I woke up drowsily to the sound of my alarm clock. Another day at school, another day of hell. The only that was going to make it better was history. Class with Drew. I was sort of nervous though, not sure what my feelings were towards him and what I was going to do about it.

I get ready and listen to the Fray.

I'm so tired, I should really just hide in my room and never leave it.

When I got to school I headed for my history class. I could hear Drew laughing before I even got inside. I wonder what he's laughing about. Once I got inside I saw Rebecca, the blonde chick who acts dumb to be popular and completely fails this class. She's talking to Drew, she's the one who's making him laugh. I couldn't stop the feeling in my stomach that only made me angrier by the second. Am I jealous then? This is a joke. He's not even a close friend of mine, I can't be jealous.

"Drew you are hilarious." I hear her annoying ass voice say. She's practically shoving herself in his face, and he doesn't know it.

I sit down in my chair next to both of them and wait quietly for Mrs. Edwards to come into class.

"Hey Allison." I hear that boy say. I cant even explain my emotions towards everything right know. We had a great time last night, did he not think the same? Am I not good enough for him? I'm overthinking this way too much. I give him a small smile and a wave. That's the best I can do right now.

"Alright class, get in your seats." Mrs. Edwards announces. Rebecca stays by Drew's side for a couple seconds and then walks back to the other side of the room, where she belongs.

"Ally, what's the matter?" Drew asked questionably, anxiously waiting for my answer.

I just mouthed a nothing to him and pulled my sweater sleeves down to grasp in my palms. For once since the Jacob incident he was the one being ignored. I felt slightly wrong about it, he obviously didn't know what he did. But how could he not know? Then again I don't have the power to tell him who he can and can't talk to. It's just... After what happened yesterday, I couldn't help but think he had some feelings towards me. I guess not.

When Mrs. Edwards dismissed us from class, I rushed out the door. Except Drew quickly caught up to me, grabbing my hand to stop me. Even though he didn't mean it in the way I see it, I couldn't help but feel my leg shake out of nervousness for his sudden gesture.

I stopped walking and turned to him, but not looking into his eyes. I can't give in.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or are you just going to shut me out?" He said rushed. I wish I could see his face.

But shut you out? Don't even dare. He would know if I was shutting him out, this isn't even as bad.

"I just need to get to class." I said quietly. Part of it was true, the bell was about to ring so I needed to run to class.

"Is it because I took you out yesterday? I thought you had a good time." He said just as quietly as I did.

"No, hell no. I had a great time." I sighed. This is just a little exhausting and I do need to start sprinting to class now.

"Then what's this all about?" He asked, not letting this go.

I took in a deep breath. "You were talking to Rebecca as if she was your girlfriend, go take her out." I managed to say. I can't believe I let myself tell him that.

"You're really stupid sometimes Allison." He laughed.

Excuse me? I'm not stupid, you're just another player.

"I like you. And I want to take you out again tonight to get to know you better. I was only talking to Rebecca because she didn't give me a choice. I had to say something and be polite." He explained. Oh god.

He likes me? In what way? Friendly way or more than that or?

My mind was buzzing with questions for him.

"I'll pick you up at six. But first, go to your class, we're both late." He laughed. He let go of my hand and then turned around jogging to his class.

Perfect, now I'm late. This boy is destroying me.

No one can really blame me for being jealous, Rebecca's stunningly gorgeous and I? I'm just plain.


"Allison, Drew's at the door for you." My mom called.

"Alright. You can do this." I told myself, looking in the mirror.

Drew told me that we were going somewhere a little more fancy, so I put on a blue sweater with a black tank top underneath, with leggings and converse. I left my hair at it's naturally curly state. I didn't think I looked bad at all. I want to look better than our last... Hangout.

I got out of my room and started walking downstairs. I looked up to find Drew with a plain black shirt and jeans. He didn't even have to put anything too fancy to look good. He is beautiful.

"You look great." Is all he said, and then started to walk out the door with me.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I laughed. I wonder where we're going.

"We are going to see a movie first, and then we're going to a restaurant that I know around here." He said while driving. Is this a date or am I stupid?

"What movie are they playing?" I asked, hoping he couldn't tell how giddy I felt.

"Perks of Being a Wallflower, they're replaying it tonight." He smiled at the road.

"I love that movie." I spoke honestly. This day couldn't get any better.

We arrived at the movie theatre and took our seats. We decided we'd only get some jolly ranchers since we're eating dinner later.

I couldn't help but feel awkward since we aren't holding hands or anything like the other couples around us. We were just sitting next together. It only bothered me because on both sides of us there were couples, and then there was us. I could tell it made him uncomfortable too, he shifted in his seat a couple times. This is so awkward, I'm trying to restrain myself from bursting out laughing. When I get really nervous I have to laugh at what the circumstance is, and this is just funny how bad it is.

I couldn't help it. I started laughing. A couple people shushed me and I just laughed into my hand. Drew gave me a suspicious look, and then I think he figured it out. He looked to both sides of us and then grabbed my hand that was laying on my thigh. Saying it surprised me is an understatement.

I immediately stopped laughing and looked at Drew with wide eyes. To my surprise once again he looked at me straight into my eyes and smiled, and then returned his eyes to the screen.

Is my hand going to start sweating? Is it already? When is he going to let go? Where did this put us in our friendship? Are we friends? Are we more? I completely forgot about the movie.

The movie stopped sooner than I thought it would. I think it was because I couldn't stop thinking about this whole hand holding situation. This is probably no big deal and I'm just making it into one...

When he stood up I followed his actions, but it was awkward because he let go of my hand. I feel like I make everything ten million times more awkward than it has to be. I could feel my cheeks turning hot, and I started walking out of the theatre.

"You're gonna love the the restaurant." Is all he said while we were walking to his car. He didn't even say anything about the movie. I must have really made it bad. I should've just kept my mouth shut and not have laughed.

The car to the restaurant was quiet. No one has any idea how bad I want to jump out of here and make a run for it.

"We're here."

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