Chapter 17

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"Where's Drew today?" Dakota asks me while we walk to lunch.

"He's home sick today."

"Dude, did you hear about the new girl?" Dakota switches topics.

"No, what's up with her?"

"Apparently she just got here and she's already one of the popular girls. Her name's Catherine. Everyone's saying that she already has her eyes on Drew." She tries to hide the last sentence.

"She can have fun trying."

"She's been asking everyone about you. She wants to see who she's up against." She warns me.

"She has no one to compete with, Drew's already taken." I smile.

"If I knew what she looked like Ally, I would kick her ass." Dakota and I laugh.

"Where's this Allison chick?" I hear a girl yell.

How immature can you be? I look up to see a blonde with two girls at her side. I try not to burst out laughing, is this Mean Girls part two?

"She's over there." Some random kid points to me.

I really am holding back my laughter, and so is Dakota.

She walks over to me and her perfume is already too much to handle. She's covered in Pink clothing brand and is wearing a bit too much makeup.

She's pretty, but very artificial.

"So where's Drew?" She smirks at me.

"Why do you care?" I give her a small smile.

"Because I want to see my boy." She giggles.

Okay is this even real? This is every mean girl in the movies.

"Uh, he's not your boy, but he's not here today." I laugh.

"And why are you laughing?"

"Because you're a joke." She really is. Did she get her personality from Regina George?

"And you'll be single soon." After she says that her friends behind her start laughing.

I know everyone's looking at us, but I honestly don't care. Catherine must really want attention.

"Okay." Is all I say, and I go back to eating my peanut butter and jelly.

She wants me to fight back with her, and I'm already tired of it. I know Drew well enough, he loves me. She's beyond clueless.

She stands there shocked because I didn't really say anything.

"Bye hun. Tell Drew I say hi." She says in an annoying voice and I already want to strangle myself.

"How annoying." Dakota watches them leave.

"Are you gonna tell Drew about her?" Dakota presses on.

"Uh, I don't really know. I don't think I want to talk to him about her, but I guess I'll have to." I mumble.

"I can tell him for you if you want, but I don't think she's gonna be much of a problem. Drew is clearly in love with you, and only you." She smiles widely.

"Nah, I'll do it, but thanks. And I really love him myself."

"I'm so jealous of your guys' relationship, like I need one right now. I'm getting bored."

"Drew said he wanted to introduce you to some of his friends." I smirk.

"Oh my god yes please, and let them be hot." She starts praying with her hands.

"I've never met them yet, but I'm sure they are." I laugh with her.

My phone buzzes and I look down.

From: Drew

"What's with all these texts I'm getting about you being in some chick fight?"

He actually sounds mad, and that's not fair.

To: Drew

"You better not be mad at me because I didn't do anything wrong."

From: Drew

"I'm not, just sick and annoyed that I wasn't there. Are you okay?"

At least he's not mad.

To: Drew

"Yeah. I'll talk to you later."

I don't really want to talk about that girl. She's just mean and wants to ruin what I have with Drew.

"Ally, are you coming?" Dakota stares at me, waiting for me to walk with her to class.

"Yeah sorry."

I walk into history and remember that we have a surprise discussion/debate thing that I was supposed to study for. Great, I forgot. My teacher said it was a "surprise" debate because we didn't get a topic to prepare for. I just wish I studied some of the material before hand.

"Alright class, this debate is different than our usual ones. You'll be chosen randomly to a question, but they're personal ones. Remember to the material and the formula we've been studying in class these past two weeks."

"Is fate real?" She asks us, and grabs her jar full of names.

She mixes the jar and pulls out two names. Please don't be me, please don't...

"Allison and Catherine." I look up with wide eyes.

Are you kidding me? I didn't even notice the fact that she's in my class. Wow, the only class I didn't want to kill myself, and she's in it.

She smirks and stands up proudly.

"You don't have to stand up." Mrs. Edwards tells Catherine. She really is new here.

"I want to." She claims proudly.

"Fate isn't real, that's why you make decisions. Like how the English decided to sell Opium in China. That wasn't meant to happen, they just chose to do it." She states and then sits down.

Before I say something about my side, I think about what we've been studying in class. I remember Drew looking at me and laughing because Jarrod tried testing me on what I knew about the Opium war, and now we're learning about it in class.

"I do believe in fate. Of course, it's a belief so there really isn't a right answer, but I think it's real. We can make choices, but I believe that we were always meant to make that choice."

I pause, and think about the morning I tried saying hi to Drew, and him barely saying it back. It was completely random of me to say hi to him, but I was trying to talk to him and be friendly. And now? Now he makes me the happiest girl in the world. For once I made the right choice, him. I think it was always meant to happen. I was always meant to walk in on that Monday in my jeans and T-shirt. I was always meant to say good morning and get his grumbly response. The family party was always meant to happen, and Jacob messing with me was always meant to happen. It was all little choices that were written in the stars to lead back to that brown haired, brown eyed weirdo who I love to the end of the Earth.

"Anything else to add on Allison? Because if that's all, the Catherine gets the better grade." Mrs. Edwards interrupts my thoughts.

I look up and everyone's staring at me, waiting for my response.

"It was all meant to happen. The Opium war make both countries what they are today. They would be different without the history that happened between the English and the Chinese. Without fate, what do we become? The Chinese and the English wouldn't have learned from their mistakes." When I say that everyone's still staring at me.

I wonder if I was really talking about the Opium war anymore.

((A/N: there was one or two really weird errors in this but i fixed it so enjoy yayay))

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