Chapter 16

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Hey everybody! Thanks for 1k reads AAAAHH! Okay just a reminder for later on I know Drew's car isn't how I write it as, but just bare with me lol

** Allison's pov **

"You, me, date tonight. I'm taking you out somewhere, it'll be a surprise. Wear what's in the box ;)" The post-it note reads.

I look down on my bed and wonder how he even got it in here. I open the box to see a sweatshirt and shorts inside. The shorts are mine, and I'm guessing the sweatshirt belongs to him? It has a cat on it, so I'm pretty sure I'm right. I laugh when I see another post-it note on the hood of the sweatshirt.

"Yes, it is my sweatshirt. I found the shorts in your drawer. I didn't snoop too much, don't worry. Aren't I creative with the whole date thing? Oh and, nice pink underwear..."

I instantly feel my cheeks go red. I hope he didn't look through all of my stuff.

I put the clothes on and I can smell his familiar cologne. He always puts barely any, but just enough.

I see another post-it note on my white converse.

"I really didn't look through your stuff. You're messy, it was laying out on your floor." I laugh knowing that's something I would do.

I close my door and find another note.

"I'll pick you up at eight :)"

I look at the clock, and it's already seven thirty.

Note to self: Always be in your room so you don't leave yourself zero time to get ready.

But I'm lucky I have Drew as my boyfriend.

I try to get ready as fast as I can. I straighten my hair and put on the clothes that was in the box.

I sit on my porch and wait for Drew to come by.

I hear Drew's door open and I see him walking towards me. When we make eye contact we both smile.

"You got my notes." He says loudly so I can hear him.

"Yeah, thank you." I stand up and start to meet him half way.

"I like your sweater." I look up at him.

He pulls me in a hug. "I like you."

"Where are we going again?"

"I thought you read my notes, it's a surprise."

We walk to his car hand in hand.

Drew and I walk in and he starts driving.

"Tell me where we're going." I demand after five minutes of driving.

"Must I look up in a dictionary what 'surprise' means?" He glances at me.

"Yes. Now tell me." I press on.

"Fine, we're going to the drive in."

"What movie are we seeing?"

"Don't know, we'll see what's there." He smirks.

When we get to the drive in he opens the back of his car.

We sit next to each other and my feet don't touch the ground when my legs hang from the seat. I'm not that short though, just a little.

"Deliver Us From Evil?" I question Drew.

"Screw you this movie looks scary." I punch his arm lightly.

"I'll protect you." He punches his chest like an animal.

"You're lame, stop." I laugh.

After thirty minutes into the movie, I want to leave. I get scared every five seconds, but I don't want Drew to know and baby me.

I don't want to be the girl who has to hide behind her boyfriend like every cliché story does it.

"Ally, holy shit look at that bug." He pokes my arm.

I look down and there's the hugest spider crawling into our car.

I scream and I hear a bunch of people to tell me to shut up.

"Suck our ass." Drew yells back.

Drew inches towards me. "I don't want to touch it Ally, I really, really, don't." He laughs nervously.

He looks me in the eyes and starts laughing.

"What the hell? You think I wanna touch it?" I laugh with him.

"Drew keep your eye on it so we don't lose it." I push his cheek towards the bug.

"I don't want to look at it."

"Well you have to so suck it up."

He grabs a tissue from behind me.

"I really don't want to do this." He says in a high pitched voice.

He nudges the bug with the napkin and flings both the napkin and the bug out the car.

"I am done. Done, done, done, and done. What if there are others in the car? Stop I'm getting out of here." He starts moving to the front of the car.

I shut the back of the car and move my way to the front too.

"I'm starting to feel paranoid, I hate bugs." I almost gag.

"Don't even talk, you didn't have to yeet the fucking bug out the car."

We both start laughing our lungs out and he drives fast out of the drive in.

"Sorry if you wanted to watch the rest of that movie." He laughs and focuses his attention to the road.

"No, it was actually freaking me out. I'm good."

We drive together for a while and I'm wondering if we're just driving around.

He pulls up to a park, I've seen it before cause it's near our neighborhood.

"Let's go." He gets out, and I follow his lead.

He heads to the swings and sits down. I take a seat on the one next to him and we look at each other.

"I'm pretty sure that most parks close at sunset, and it's already dark." I laugh and rub my eyes. I'm getting pretty tired.

"Being total rebels, and normal teenagers perhaps?" He laughs wearily, he's tired too.

"No, I don't think we're that normal."

I look up at the sky, and it's full of stars.

There are trees all around the playground area, and I take a moment to look at them.

I'm at the point where if he was cut down, or taken away from me... I would no longer be able to breathe. He's all around and beautiful. So beautiful, and real, realer than most of them get.

"I should probably take you home, if you get grounded I don't know how I'd survive." He jokes.

I get out of the seat and stand in front of him.

"I love you." He tells me and stands up from the swing, looking down at me.

"I love you." I repeat his words.

He takes my hand and we start heading to the car.

Before he gets into the car he stops. "The sky looks so pretty."

I look up. "The stars are beautiful." I say in awe.

"Yeah, they remind me of you." Drew smirks at me.

"You're so cheesy." I get in the car trying to hide my smile.

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