Chapter 9

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"Ally, there's a lot you don't know about me." Drew says as he pulls into my driveway.

"Okay, tell." I look up at me.

"I-this is hard for me to just tell." He says. He's nervous, I can tell.

"I'm listening." I straighten up in my seat.

"I used to...really like this girl. I thought I was in love with her." He says, turning his face away from mine.

In love? The thought of him caring so much about someone other than me breaks my heart a little. I know, that sounds crazy.

"But she cheated on me with Jacob." He states, his tone angrier than before.

So he was never that mad at Jacob over me, it's him still upset over how Jacob took his last girlfriend. Does that mean he didn't care what Jacob did to me? Was he just jealous of him and looking for a reason to take revenge? Please don't tell me he only liked me so he could take me away from Jacob...

"Before you start guessing the rest, I didn't lie about him saying he just wanted to fuck you. He's an asshole and he's like that towards girls." He says defensively. Okay well that's good...

"I heard about him having...his eyes on you. I started talking to you to see who he was interested in, but just to warn them about him... Not because I wanted to do the same thing he did to me. I'd never wish that on anyone." He says.

He must have really been heartbroken because of this.

"I realized how fun you were to be around, and how sweet and beautiful you really are." I blush at his kind words, but I'm still jealous.

"I don't want him to take someone away from me again." He says, tears watering his eyes.

I can feel mine start to water too, and I grab his cheek and rub my thumb along his soft skin.

"I'm not going anywhere." I whisper.

"Good." He says quietly, and then presses his lips sweetly against mine.

"See you tomorrow Drew." Is all I say, and then I head towards my house.

** next day **

- Drew's pov -

Last night... Was unreal. Part of me honestly thought she was going to get the hell out of my car and go to Jacob. I thought that for a second, she'd think I was only jealous over Sienna. I'm done with her, and I was never in love with her. I just had a major crush on her, and she only played me. I found out after we broke up that she hooked up with a few other guys while she was with me.

Ally, she's different...

She's so unexpected, beautiful, down to Earth. I never knew that she was like that... Before to my knowledge she was just the girl who lived right next to me.

Little did I know.

When I think about it, I don't know how I could care about someone so fast. I mean, we had a couple dates as just friends, but...

I think we both felt something more.

I knew that when she said hi to me and I heard her kind voice, that she was genuine. She's so...real.

I can never put into words how I feel about that girl.

That girl who laughs at pictures of chubby cheeked squirrels and smiles at me as if I'm the funniest guy in the world.

I love that girl.

I can't tell her though, not yet. It's too soon I think.

I run my hand through my hair, and get ready for school.

I go to history, and I see Ally.

She's sitting in her desk wearing her stopped sweater. Her hair is in her natural curly mess, I love that so much. She's got her nose in her textbook. I love how much she loves history and english. She's such a little nerd no matter how hard she tries to hide it.

"Hi." I sit down next to her desk.

She looks up from her book and grabs her phone. "I already caught you geek." I think to myself.

"Hey." She says smoothly.

"Good morning everyone!" Mrs. Edwards greets.

I'm still looking at Ally and she smiles at me, but Mrs. Edwards breaks my thought.

"Interrupting you Andrew? How about you, Ally. Is history getting in the way of your little lovey dovey time?"

Ally snaps her head to the teacher and shakes her head no. She's such a goody goody.

"Possibly." I whisper.

"What was that Andrew?" Mrs. Edwards asks.

She's normally one of my favorite teachers, what's her problem?

"Why don't the love birds answer a question, to see if they were really paying attention." She grins.

Okay usually I'd know the answer, but I wasn't paying attention. Shit.

"When did the Christmas Truce of World War I occur? This one is easy." Mrs. Edwards smiles.

Who the hell would remember that? Have we even been talking about World War I?

"Christmas of 1914." Ally speaks up. My little nerd.

"How much do you know about this topic, Ally?" Mrs. Edwards asks curiously.

"Well even though you only mentioned briefly about World War I today," she looks around to make sure now ones staring at her, "The Christmas truce was also known as Silent Night. The Germans and the British were fighting for so long and they started to forget why exactly they were fighting. They wanted to celebrate Christmas so-"

"Can you shut up already." Some guy cuts Ally off.

I really wish I knew who said that. Ally looks down at her books and I can tell she's embarrassed.

"You're just sorry she's fucking smarter than you." I announce.

"Enough class. Now back to what we came here to learn..." Mrs. Edwards says sternly.

I turn my head towards Ally. When the teacher's not looking, I rest my hand on too of hers. She looks up at me, and smiles big.

"Mrs. Edwards, what are you staring at?" Someone asks, and everyone's heads turn towards us.

I slowly take my hand away and Mrs. Edwards is looking at us contently.

"Excuse me for a moment." She says, and then walks out of the room without a word after.

I stand up and start to walk towards the door.

"Look, I'm sorry for being so rude earlier or disrespectful. That was not my intentions. If I made you ups-"

She waves a hand in the air to quiet me.

"It just made me really happy to see how sweet you are to her. She's a really smart kid, and so are you. I'm glad you have each other now." She says, a tear threatening to spill out of her eye.

"Me too." I respond.

"Well lets get inside, I've got a class to teach." She laughs, and brushes her eyes with her hand quickly.

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