Chapter 20

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Hey everyone! I am so sorry for not updating in so long, this week I've been trying to finish my summer homework...which I'm still not done with... I blame you, Drew. Okay enjoy if y'all still like this fanfic ;) sorry if this was short, when they get to the lake house the chapters will be longer!

"Are you ready to come over? Do you have everything you need packed?" Drew asks me through the phone.

"Yes, I believe so." I say, and zip up my bag.

"Okay, good. We'll be outside the car putting everything inside. You're gonna love it."

We've been planning everything for the lake house for a while, and I'm so excited. It's going to be a great way to connect to Drew's family, and to him. My mom and dad are coming too of course, but I'm not too upset about it.

"Mom, dad! Are you ready to go over?" I shout from my room impatiently. I've been so excited that I kind of just want to be there right now.

"Honey, we still have a few things to put together. We can meet you there if you're ready."

I go downstairs and tell my parents that I'll see them in a little bit.

I try to walk quicker, but my bag's kind of heavy, even if we're only going for a weekend. Gotta be prepared.

Drew sees me and then jogs up to me, grabbing my bag out of my hands.

"Such a gentleman today."

"Like always," he winks.

Drew puts my bag in the car and we wait for everyone to get together. I'm also really excited because it's just Madeline going with us, and I'm looking forward to becoming closer friends with her.

"Hey Ally." Madeline hugs me, her messy bun still making her look as beautiful as ever.

My mom and dad start coming towards us, smiling and already talking to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips.

"Shall we get in the car?" Drew breaks the silence between the three of us.

"Let's go." Madeline pushes Drew into the car.

"I call sitting next to Ally." Drew shouts in Madeline's face.

"Well obviously, shut up, you're stupid." She laughs and I join in.

I love them both because they're the coolest siblings.

Drew sits in the middle all the way in the back of the car and I sit to his right, Madeline on his left.

"I wanted Ally to be in the middle, now I have to sit next to you." Madeline rolls her eyes and I can't control my laughter.

"I get her all to myself, perks of being her boyfriend." He says, and takes my hand.

"I never knew you could be so cheesy Drew, you're mostly an idiot." She turns to my direction. "He probably would walk up to you with roses and then trip and break something."

"I'm actually can be very romantic." He pouts.

"Yeah like the time you almost made me, kill the spider in your car." I joke, and Madeline starts pointing her finger at Drew laughing.

He shakes his head smiling and types on his phone. I get a message a couple seconds later and look down at my phone.

"Just you wait and see, I can be way more romantic. I just haven't been as romantic as I could because I don't want to overwhelm you."

I look over to him, and he's already looking at me smiling.

I push up from my seat and give him a quick kiss.

"I believe you." I state in the car, and Madeline looks over arching her brow.

Both of our parents come into the car, and Mr. Phillips starts leaving the driveway.

"Everyone's got everything, right?" He asks, and everyone says yes back in response.

When I really think about it, Drew actually is romantic. I was just kidding with the whole spider thing. He's kind to me and treats me better than what most girls probably get. The thought of him being even more affectionate is enough to make butterflies rise in my stomach. Whenever I take moments to really think back at Drew and I's relationship, it feels like something right out of a storybook.

I love him, and he loves me.

Falling in love with him was like riding a bike for the first time, falling immediately, and then instantly feeling free.

Drew pumped adrenaline in my veins, and made me carefree. Being with him is the best thing in the world.

I never wanted to be one of those girls who are overly attached to their boyfriend, but I'm really not. I spend time with Dakota, and my family. I treat Drew like my best friend. We just see each other a lot, and then again sometimes we'll have times where we can't see each other all week. No matter what, it always works out.

I glance next to me and Madeline's on her phone while Drew's closing his eyes, probably trying to go to sleep.

He grabs my arm with his eyes still closed, and pulls me closer to his body. My head's on his shoulder, and he's resting his at the top of my head.

"Sorry." He quietly mumbles.

I don't say anything, I'm pretty content just relaxing next to him. I think the lake house will be good for us, and we'll have such a great time.

Drew reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a pair of headphones. He connects it to his phone and offers me an earbud. I take it and watch as he picks out a song.

I instantly hear different music than what he usually listens to. The piano in the beginning is so familiar and it only takes a moment for me to remember what song it is.

He remembers my favorite song.

I remember texting him late one night because I found this song, and it was beautifully sung and had lyrics that could make you tear up.

It was a long time ago, and I'm surprised he still remembers.

I look up at him and his eyes are closed, unaware of how much this makes me happy.

These small little things that he does, is more than enough to last me a lifetime of happiness.

I squeeze his hand and he opens one eye.

"What's up?" He quietly asks me, tiredness already showing in his voice.

"Nothing." I brush him off.

I love him more than all of the stars in the sky, and it scares me. It frightens me how one simple boy who lives next door could give me a thousand feelings combined into one, and that's my love for him.

I close my eyes and picture blue water, hot, soft sand that sticks to you after you get your feet wet, sunsets that make your heart melt, and a weird boy in glasses.

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