Chapter 4: The Fight

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*above are the characters and some side characters* 

Italy walked home with Germany and grabbed his hand on the way, only to feel protected. The small Italian and tall German got to the house and Italy grabbed her flag and tried to brace herself for what Romano would do but kept failing as she squeezed Germany's hand very lightly. Romano was inside the house, swearing as he kept the book open in his hand. Alex of course was inside having to listen to his babbling self inside of her music. She noticed that Germany and italy were outside so she snuck downstairs and outside. "Sorella, Germania! What are you doing here together. Sorella you know how mad he's gonna get. Besides the facts that he's already still swearing in the living room!", Alex said with a worried tone. Italy looked at Germany still really scared and squeezed his hand a little more. Alex noticed this.

"S-so you're a thing?", she said pointed and waving her finger around the both of them and their combined hands. Germany looked at their hands then at the Italian in front of him. Italy just shook a little from the fear of Romano. Romano noticed that Germany, Alex and Italy were outside chatting. He got pissed. he started yelling and swearing, yelling and swearing, yelling and swearing. Italy heard Romano's yelling and swearing then hid behind Germany. "ITALYY'~!", he yelled. She looked at Germany and hugged him from behind and started crying trying not to get killed by Romano's anger.

"Sorella when has he actually physically hurt you?', Alex asked starting to get behind Germany also. Lily snuck up behind them and took pictures. Italy just kept crying and hugging Germany. Romano ran outside and ran right to Germany. Germany stopped him from running into him by putting both his hands to Romano's head. Romano kept trying to run but kept failing. Germany adventually, gave up and removed both hands at once.

Romano kissed the ground. Italy looked at Alex and kept crying and hugging Germany. Alex started laughing. Romano got up. Feeling embarrassed he walked away yelling at Germany in Spanish. Italy kept crying and hugging Germany's back. Lily kept snapping the pictures. "Lily! What have I told you about taking pictures!", Alex yelled. Lily ran for the house with Alex following. Germany turned around so Italy's face was in his chest. Italy kept crying and hugging Germany. "Italy it's fine. He kissed the ground and walked away. You're fine", Germany said trying not laugh. The small Italian just kept crying and hugging him. "Italy look at me, please", Germany said. Italy looked at him a little and just kept crying harder. Germany bent down and kissed Italy.

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