Chapter 9: Siblings Gone and Germans Blushing

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After Alex ran out, Italy divided the pasta into two, giving herself most of the pasta and added in potatoes for the German that was sitting at the table. Italy finished and handed Germany the bowl and smiled then sat down next to him. "Danke! (thanks)", the german thanked. Italy smiled and grabbed his hand under the table and started eating her pasta. "Italy-", he started to say. Italy turned toward him. "Hmm?", she said swallowing her pasta. "yeah?", she repeatted. Germany leaned in and kissed her. Italy blushed and put her arms around his neck, making the kiss deeper. Germany could feel Italy smile through the kiss.

Finally, they broke to grab some air. Italy blushed really hard. Germany blushed. It's already 7:00PM. Italy yawned. Germany cleaned up and Italy and Germany watched TV till they fell asleep. (They were cuddling of course). At 9:30PM Spain carried Romano in and froze. Italy was curled up on Germany's lap sleeping. Spain walked past the sleeping couple. Placed Romano on his bed, kissed his forehead and said "Goodnight Romano", and left.

Next Day

Italy woke up in Germany's lap and whispered "Good morning Germania~..", and curled up alittle more. Romano slept on his bed til 11:00AM. Germany was up and a wake at 10:30AM. Italy woke up with Germany, due to him moving. The Italian looked at the German and poked his face. Germany hugged Italy. "Hey I have to head home and make sure Gil didn't burn down the house.".Italy nodded and kissed his cheek and hugged him. Germany left the room, right as romano walked downstairs to see Italy still attached. 

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