Chapter 21: Beach Balls Are For The Beach

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Italy ran in with a random beach ball and threw it at Germany's head "Ve~ Can we go to the beach~?", Italy begged. "Now what brought this idea up?", Germany wondered. "It's summer after all", Alex was drawing in her notebook."If it's summer, then why are you wearing a sweatshirt?", Germany complained. "Well first off, I'm wearing shorts, and second of all, you're the one that has the A/C so low it's like fall in here!", Alex shivered to show she was cold. Italy just grabbed the beach ball and hit it at Germany's head again "Per favoreee~", Italy whined a little.

Alex looked up and saw her sorella throwing the beach ball at Germany's head. "Please, I'm freezing to death here.", by the end of that one statement, Alex had a Lily hugging her to get warmth also. "But also, Italy, I has no bathing suit! I've never been to a beach anyways", Alex notified them both. Germany signed. "Come to think of it, the last time I was at a beach was.... In Germany it doesn't get that hot, but hot enough to go to the beach but I never went", he replied. "Because of the heat, and you stayed at home, in the freezing cold, and random things!", Alex shivered.

Italy looked at Alex "you could borrow one of mine that might fit you", The she looked at germany "Ask fratello if you could borrow one and bam! You got one", Italy smiled happy that they might be going to the beach. The Lily just hugged Alex like nothing was happening. "I'd hate to break it to ya, but you're sizes are just too big for me. You're like a foot taller than me, and Germany is more built than Fratello.", Alex flipped the page and wrote on it, "Fratello = Stick. Germany = Fatter stick", she said.

"Use one of my old ones....and uhh....", Italy looked at Germany starting to pout and didn't have anymore ideas. "How about we just buy some.", a small voice come from behind Alex. "Because, I don't have one either, and Fratello says he throw your old ones out. We've got some money, or we can go to Francis where he has lot of those things. No not Francis, who made the bathing suits again?", Aria said, sitting next to Alex looking at the words on the paper. Slightly giggling.

"Fine, let's go", Germany sighed. "But what about the bathing suit thangs?", Lily asked still hugging the Alex. "We'll get them. Don't worry.", Germany put his wallet in his pocket. He headed towards the door. Alex got up and walked towards the door. Lily and Aria not far behind. Italy jumped onto the Germans back and smiled.

-Time Skip-

At the store, Hungary took the girls to look for bathing suits. Germany headed off on his own way. Once the girls got to the bathing suits, Alex started looking for long sleeved tops and shorts. Aria looked at some cute two piece ones. Italy looked at bikinis with Hungary.

Germany found some swim trunks and bought them, waiting for the girls to be done so he could buy theirs.

Lily found a nice purple two piece that had ruffles on the top, that showed her torso. Alex found a nice blue and white two piece that showed her belly button. She didn't mind if people saw her cuts.Italy found a bikini that had a red top and black bottoms. Aria found a nice green, two piece that didn't show any of her torso.

Germany was okay with them, and bought the suits.

-At the beach-

Italy ran around on the beach. Alex was setting up a giant towel and two umbrella. Italy saw an abandoned part of the beach and started building something out of the sand. Aria helped Alex set up. Kiku came along, although he wasn't a fan of the beach. After everything was set up, Aria and Lily, played in the shallow water. Italy yelled "Germania~", She held up her hand showing a huge sand sculpture of pasta.

Germany looked at the sculpture. "Wow, wait we've only been here about 30 minutes! How did you do that?!", Germany yelled. "Pasta magic!", She yelled back smiling.

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