Chapter 11: NEKO-CHAN~!

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Japan carried a box over to Italy's place. Knowing that Germany was going to be there. He placed the box down and knocked on the door. Italy opened the door. "Ciao~ Japan!", Italy noticed the box. "What's in there?", she questioned, letting the short Japanese man through. Germany was over in the kitchen. As curious as Italy, Germany walked over to see what Japan was carrying. "Japan! What's in the box?!", Italy said, jumping up and down. "Shush, you need to be quiet so you don't startle them", Japan opened the box. A little cat that looked as if Italy transformed species jumped out first. With another cat following. That cat looked as if it was Germany. "Germania! Look they look like us!", Italy whispered. Still in the box a black cat with a white chin stayed in the box. "Japan! They look like us!", Italy said shaking Japan with excitement and confusion. "Why do they look like us!?", she yelled by accident. The cat that looked like Italy jumped behind the box. Italy looked at the tiny kitten. "I won't hurt you", she softly said, picking up the kitten. "Japan~ Can I keep it? And the one that looks like Germany? Per favore~?", she begged. Japan nodded without giving any thought.

Germany had been in a staring contest with the cat that looked like him. Not breaking eye contact, he said "Japan, mine hasn't blinked yet". Japan looked at the cat. Waving his hand in front of both of them making them both blink. Italy just held the cat that looked like her and smiled huge, kind of hugging it. Lily still in the room, took pictures. "Lily. Please stop taking random pictures!", Alex said grabbing around her friend waist and carrying her out of the house. Italy looked at Alex and Lily and then back at her cat. "Alex, nuuuuuuuu don't. I can't. My life depends on pictures of this!", Lily yelled. Alex shook her head at Lily. "Lily, shut up already! If you do I'll let you hug me.", she said regretting it already. Lily heard the word hugs and attack Alex in hugs and didn't even think twice about the pictures. Alex still carried her hugging friend away from the house. Italy looked at Germany "Germania aren't they adorable though!", she whispered because her cat fell asleep. Germany looked over at Italy and sat down, "I guess so", he said. Italy smiled cradling her kitty and sat on Germany's lap. Germany yawned. Japan still there, was uncomfortable so he decided to leave. Italy kissed her cat then Germany. 

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