Chapter 24: The New Couple

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Alex got Lily to stop crying but the part of the deal was Lily hugging her about 1000 times. There was a knock on the door. "Romano you get it", Alex and Italy said at the same time. "Why me?", he asked. "Because we said so!", Alex answered, "Plus we have important things to talk about!".

Lily was attached to Alex and she looked at the door. Kiku greeted Romano. "Alex home yet?", he asked nicely. "Yeah", Romano opened the door wider. "She's over on the couch, being hugged by Lily", he let Kiku inside. Lily looked at Alex and curled up next to her still having her arms around her.

Kiku looked at Lily and Alex. He walked over to them and sat on the chair. Lily looked up and wiped a few tears a little. Romano walked up to Kiku and whispered to him that Alex lost most of her memories. Italy looked at Germany and mouthed "should we leave?". Germany nodded. Italy grabbed his hand and walked out the door.

Kiku looked at Alex and Lily. 'If she doesn't remember me, will I care? Will I be okay?' He asked himself. Kiku breathed. "Who am I?", Kiku asked. Alex looked at him. "You're Kiku right?", Kiku nodded. Lily watched and wiped a few more tears that were sneaky. "Who am I to you?", Kiku pondered out loud. Alex thought for a minute and shrugged. "I don't remember, sorry. Who are you to me?", she questioned in response. Lily looked a tiny bit shocked but just hugged Alex, still curled up. Kiku looked at them. "I'm...your...", he sighed, "I'm your boyfriend"

Alex blinked. "No you're not", she calmly said. Kiku showed no emotion. "Lily's my girlfriend!", Alex said pulling Lily closer. Lily's eyes widened a little but shrugged it off a little and looked at Romano. Romano's mouth dropped to the floor. "I totally didn't see this coming", he said with his mouth still open. Kiku smiled. "If you say so. I'm okay either way", Kiku said smiling. Romano pulled his mouth back up. "You sure about this? I mean she just dumped/cheated/I-don't-even-know on you!", he said.

"All that matters is she's happy. She looks happy with Lily so I don't mind. Plus, do you honestly, think I'd go into a relationship thinking it wouldn't end? All mine have. But they to me seem like they're never gonna separate. Besides, I've never seen a couple like them. Only boy and boy. Or Boy and girl. Never girl and girl", Kiku explained

Lily just looked shocked but calmed down and curled up more with Alex and blushed.

-Later that day!-

Alex and Lily were in Alex's bedroom. Italy walked in. "Packing already? You have a while to wait, you don't have to ship out till about Wednesday and it's Monday.", Italy tried reasoning with her. "I know, it's just we have to pack here and get Lily packed. Remember?", Alex said, packing things. Lily nodded and smiled.

-At Lily's house-

When they got to Lily's house, Alex and Lily looked like they walked into an unknown house. Lily grabbed Alex's hands quickly that way she didn't burst into tears. "Come on, let's grab your stuff quickly okay?", Alex said leading them to Lily's room. Lily nodded and squeezed Alex's hand tighter "this is the place you and Kiku fell in love, though...and where you got broken up with by Al...", Lily said choking on words. Alex turned around, still hold Lily's hand. "I don't care. I have you.", she smiled. Lily smiled a little and blushed and hugged Alex.

After Alex and Lily got all of Lily's things, they head back to Vargas'. Lily was still choking on tears. Alex whipped up the tears and sat on the couch with Lily. Lily curled up next to Alex putting her head on Alex's shoulder. Romano walked by and smiled. Same with Italy and Germany. Lily curled up more and blushed a tiny bit.

-Wednesday during school before the bell rings-

During the 5 minutes, the students get before the bell rings to do whatever, Alex and Lily were at Italy's locker. "So starting today, right after school we live with you and Germany?" Asked Alex holding Lily's hand. "Si", Italy said smiling. Germany walked over. "Hallo", he greeted. "Ciao", the three girls said in sync. Lily squeezed Alex's hand a little and looked around and saw Al and her eyes started twitching. "What's wrong?", Alex asked. Lily pointed to Al, letting go of Alex's hand and went and kicked Al in the gut "HOW COULD YOU HIT HER IN THE HEAD YOU (Bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp~Lily)!", Lily yelled. Alex looked confused. "Who's that?", she asked Italy. "Oh, he's the one who threw a ball at your head at me and Ludwig's wedding knocking you out leaving you with only a few memories", Italy said, getting ready to weakly punch Al.

Alex nodded in understand with a little confusion. "Okay", Alex yawned. Lily kept punching Al and grabbed his glasses throwing them again to the floor. Italy looked at Germany to 1. Get Lily and 2. Get Al done with once and for all. Germany moved, and grabbed Lily, and grabbed Italy's hands who grabbed Alex, who closed Italy's locker. "Hey! I was taking care of him!", Lily yelled. Germany sighed. "It's better to leave it be, then to attack for no reason", Germany said. "But he hurt Alex!", Lily complained."I know. I know. But it's better to let the fire die than feed it", Germany said. "You sound like Germania!", Gil laughed from behind a corner. Lily pouted "But he deserves it.", She said. "I know he does, but you have to let it be or I'll lock you in your room till you do forget about it", Germany said when he arrived at the car. Lily pouted "fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", Lily said.

When they got to the house, and unlocked the front door, Lily and Alex ran in and looked around. "You can either share a room or have two different rooms", Italy said. Lily looked at Alex to decide. "I don't care if we do. But maybe we can have more guest rooms if we have us share", Alex said. "There's only three bedrooms. So if you share you'll have a guest room or supply room", Germany butted in. Lily shrugged and quietly said "How about we share a room...?"

Alex looked at Lily. Lily blushed and hid behind Alex a little, grabbing her hand. Alex nodded, "I don't mind.", Germany and Italy looked confused. "I don't mind if Lily and I share a room", Alex stated, blushing a little. "If that's ok with Germania", Italy said looking up at Germany, "then sure!" Germany looked at Alex and Lily and said: "I don't mind". Lily looked at the back of Alex's head while blushing then squeezed Alex's hand a little and looked down. Alex smiled and looked over her shoulder. "' about you all get some rest and tomorrow we start decorating?", Italy said and looked up at Germany.

The tall German nodded. Lily just looked down and mumbled something. "Hmm", Alex questioned. "Do we call Ludwig and Felicia p-parents now?", Lily said speaking up a little while choking on the word 'parents'. Germany looked at Italy. Italy shrugged and gave the face 'That's up to you. You're like the dad figure now'. Germany sighed. Lily looked up a little, awaiting an answer while trying not to cry. Alex squeezed Lilys hand letting her know it's alright. Italy just looked at Germany for the answer, not really sure what the answer should be. "You can if you want to", Germany said. Lily's face brightened a little as she nodded and walked over to Germany and hugged him.

Germany hugged back and put a hand on her head which meant he's going to protect her. She smiled a little and hugged him still. "Aww~", Italy said smiling. Alex smiled, but pulled Lily away, feeling kind of jealous. Lily looked at Alex confused for a second, not understanding why Alex pulled her away. Alex had a facial expression that read "jealousy" all over it. Italy walked next to Germany "Do you think Alex got jealous of you?". Germany lets go of his blank stare at Alex and Lily and turned his attention to Italy. "Hmm? I didn't hear, whaT?", Germany's voice cracked. "Do you think Alex got jealous of you and pulled Lily away?", Itay said giggling, taking Germany's hand."I think she did get jealous. But why? I mean, she's always denying hugs and everything.", the German said looking at the Italian.

"Maybe because you made her happy. I mean, she did just lose her parents and she was upset and when she asked the question and you said yes, it cheered her up and Alex wasn't the one who did?", Italia said, starting to rest her weight on Germany. Germany thought for a minute. "That could be also it. But there are also many things It could have also been too", he stated out. "Name uno", Italy smiled and looked up at Germany. "Huh? There are many that we could not have known!", he tried correcting himself. "Name uno or I'm right", Italy said, starting to giggle. Germany looked at Italy trying to get her to turn her attention towards the girls but that didn't work. "Fine, you're right:, he stated. "Ha ha!", Italy smiled and attacked Germany in a hug.

Lily looked at Alex "What was that for? And what's wrong?", Lily said confused. Alex blushed bright red. Lily just looked at Alex concerned. "I .... Uh.... um...", Alex mumbled. "You uh umed?", Lily said softly. "I uh,,,I guess I got jealous", Alex turned a bright deep red. Lily giggled for a second and blushed a little and hugged Alex tight. "Whyy?", Lily dragged out the Y part. "W-well, I love you.", Alex mumbled.Lily blushed a little and smiled. "I love you too, but why exactly were you jealous?", Lily shyly said as redness was flushing her face, "I-I don't know", Alex looked at the ground. Lily kissed Alex's cheek "You know~ plus, we all know what we know!", Lily said, trying to add a Hamilton pun. Alex looked confused but didn't mind. 

Here's our latest chapter! Ignore that other part that I deleted a few days ago, me and the co-author made up and were okay with still doing this! Anyways, we'll update when we can! Summer's almost here!~Lily 

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