Chapter 16: Hey Guys/Gals, Guess What!

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Alex walked down the hall to the Art room. She decided to follow the suggestion that she should join the art club that her younger sister had given her. Alex opened the door to end up holding Lily in her arms. "How!" was the only words she could say. "How what?", Lily said getting off of Alex. "How, I just saw you in the hallway, and now here, and it's only been like a minute! And you went a different direction from me!", Alex yelled. Lily shrugged and skipped to her table. "Maybe I'm a wizard", she giggled. Alex shook her head making Lily laugh more. When she stopped her hair was back to normal.

Italy walked in, not making a sound. She thought that something was different in the art room. But she couldn't figure it out. That was til, their teacher, Mrs. Posco, introduced Alex to the club. "That's my sorella!", Italy yelled. Making Alex feel embarrassed. She tried to hide her face the rest of the club and feel invisible. "This wasn't going as planned.", she'd say to herself. Meanwhile, Lily was hugging her arm or hugging her. Alex really didn't pay attention. (Neither did this Narrator! YEE THE NARRATOR DID :3).

**Later That Day**

"Fluffy right?", Lily said handing Alex some stuff animal of hers. "It is, but why do you have it in your locker?", Alex complained. Lily shrugged. "Is that all you know?!", Alex said loudly. Lily nodded. Italy came by and tackled Alex into a hug. "Why is always me?", Alex almost yelled, trying to escape the tight hug. Italy said something in Italian but Alex was to lazy to translate it to English for Lily. "See this is why I'm learning Italian!", Lily said pointing to Alex and Italy. Italy spotted a Germany and decided to tackle him too. She notified the girls not to say anything. When the girls nodded, she ran and tackled Germany in a hug. The german went into attack mode. The girls at Lily's locker giggled. Germany blushed. He walked over to the girls with Italy on his back. He signed. "Italy, dear, please get off my back.", he said.

Lily's eyes widened, along with Alex's. "Y-You called her dear, you don't do that! You've never done that!", Alex ran around him. "Are you sick?", she said feeling his forehead. Germany blushed more. America was against the lockers laughing. Germany blushed harder. Lily ran around with Alex "YOU EVEN SAID PLEASE!", Lily yelled with her eyes still wide. America walked over picking up the girls. Alex and Lily squirmed. "Put us down~", Lily complained. Italy just laughed still on Germany's back. Alex quit squirming knowing how her boyfriend worked. She didn't want to be seen picked up by her boyfriend but then again she didn't want to do anything.

Canada came around. Of course Aria was in his backpack. Alex grabbed onto Canada's shoulder. "Mattie! Please tell your brother to put us down. I'll make you pancakes with maple syrup when I get home. You're coming over right?", Alex pleaded. Mattie was kind hearted so he would have done so with the pancakes added. Italy watched what was going on from Germany's back and kind of blushed.

Mattie unhooked America's arms around the girls' waists, and helped the girls off America's shoulders. To their surprise, America stood completely still. Like a statue (or the statue of liberty (Love you America ❤). Italy looked at Germany's head and smiled a little then back at the girls. The girls had to go do something for China and Japan so they left Italy on Germany. And Mattie with Aria in his backpack and America the statue. Mattie found Francis in the hallway and they took America to the nurse's office. Germany still had an Italy on his back. "Italy, can you get off my back?", Germany asked nicely. Italy shook her head no and kept smiling. Germany sighed and walked to the next class they had together.

**After School**

Italy was still on Germany's back, she didn't let go at all that day. Alex and Lily were working on a school project. They had to make a trailer for English class. Romano and Romeo where in the kitchen making different tomato themed recipes. "You okay with tomatoes?", Romeo asked Lily. Lily nodded while putting chapstick over a eyeshadow scar. Romano got mad at a tomato. Germany walked in at the wrong time like usual. Romano saw Germany as a target and threw tomatoes at the German. "Fratello! We needed those!", Romeo yelled. Romano just ignored the littlest brother and continued. Italy, being on Germany's back, got hit with the tomatoes to and started crying a little.

Romeo eventually got the oldest Italian to stop throwing the dang tomatoes. Lily and Alex however, got up and received the second eldest Italian and brought her to safety. (Aka the couch). Italy was crying from the tiny pains of the tomatoes that were thrown. The girls helped her get cleaned up. Lily walked out from where Italy was being cleaned up and crossed her arms at Romano "Did you not notice your sorella was on him?", Lily kind of yelled. Romeo turned around trying to keep the angry italian from going on a rampage. "I don't think he did, but when i noticed I stopped him as fast as possible. Otherwise, naturally we let him hit Germany with tomatoes.", Romeo answered truthfully. Lily looked over at her friend over by the couch. Who nodded letting her know that he wasn't lying.

Lily kind of pouted "Why would you let him hit Germany with tomatoes when they are OTP?", Lily asked, sighing at the beginning of the sentence. Alex's face went from concerned to puzzled. She got up and went to Lily. "OTP. Germany and romano? Mio fratello and Germania?!", Alex's accent came out. "No! They are not OTP...GerIta is. Not...what would you even call that?!", Lily asked. Alex shrugged hoping her accent left. It didn't. "I don't know!", Alex said. Rolling the Os. Lily shrugged and looked at Alex "Where's Germany so we can have your sorella stop crying", Lily kind of sighed again within her sentence. Alex pointed to the bathroom. "He's cleaning up. Maybe we should have Felicia do the same?", Alex wondered looking to Romeo. Lily smirked at an idea popping in her head " he in the shower?", Lily asked. Alex looked more puzzled. "Don't think so. I'll knock on the door if you want.", came a voice from the doorway of the house. Everyone turned to see Gilbert (aka ZE AWEZOME PRUSSIA!).

Alex looked more puzzled. But a little nervous/scared. Romeo looked at the amount of people then to Alex. "Sorella, why don't you go to your room and work on the project there". Alex nodded grabbing her things quickly and almost ran up the stairs. Lily stared at Prussia confused and surprised since she knew him by his awesomeness and never thought she would meet him. Gilbert looked a little puzzled of Alex's disappearance.

"Did I scare her away?", he wondered aloud. Lily began to bow for no reason "S-si king of awesomeness", Lily said stuttering. Prussia looked a little worried but pushed it to the back of his mind. He looked over at Felicia. "anyways, I'll check on mein little bruder!", he said marching upstairs towards the bathroom. Lily's idea struck her head again and she grabbed her camera and smiled a little. Romeo looked at the smirk on Lily's face. "Is it just me or is her smirks creepy. Like it sends shivers down your spine? Just me?", Romano stopped fighting against his little brother and looked at Lily's smirk. "I-it's n-not just you-u.", he stuttered. Italy got up still tearing up to join her brothers staring at Lily "I-it's called the f-fangirl scares e-everyone", Italy stuttered.

Alex ran downstairs and behind her older brother, Romeo. Everyone was puzzled. Lily ran up the stairs after a few minutes to check on Prussia and Germany. "S-sorella what's wrong?", The Males said in sync. Alex didn't respond. Italy went up and hugged Alex, while tears still streamed down her face from the tomato pains were there.

Alex would normally be in her room. But today she was terrified of her room. She didn't like going into the room. She would sleep on the couch downstairs. She would have someone go and grab her clothes. Romeo didn't understand why. Finally he decided to take Alex upstairs and show her there was nothing wrong. He only thought she wanted attention. He walked to the door way. "Tell what's scary.", He said. Not letting go of her wrist. "First, you're killing my wrist! And second that!", she pointed to the wall. Romeo didn't see anything. "what", he questioned. "That!", she pointed. "Alex walk up to it. I don't know what you're pointing too.", Alex refused to step foot in the room. "Fine, draw it", Alex did. She drew a little girl that looked like Aria Vargas. Romeo was puzzled. He always was.

Romeo walked downstairs, pretty fast Alex almost fell over. "Hey, is it just more or has anyone else NOT seen our littlest sister?". They all nodded. "Come to think of it. I don't think she left school." Alex panicked more. "Romeo. I'm skipping dinner. I'm not really hungry" and before anyone could answer she ran outside the house, towards the school.

Meanwhile, after Germany got out of the shower and Italy was cleaned up from the tomato fight. Germany was about to leave, when Italy tackled him into another hug, wrapping her arms around around his neck and her legs around his waist. "Ve~...Germania do you have to go?", Italy said while pouting, on his back. "Nien, I can stay", he said turning around and walking towards the couch. Italy's face lit up and smiled huge and hugged his head "Grazie~", Italy said loudly, enough for everyone in the house to hear.

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