Chapter 7- Do You Know What I'm Seeing?

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Me and Brendon jam out for a few hours, he said that he wanted me to help with some of the songs on the new album.

We ended up making up songs til about 11pm.
"You should get to bed, it's getting late." Brendon says. I wasn't gonna argue, I was pretty tired so I went to my room, changed into my pj's, did all the sleepy time stuff, went to bed and fell fast asleep.

It was peaceful, yeah I have a gun wound on my side, but I now have a great family, a loving mom, an awesome punk-rock dad, and 2 doggy's. Also, I just got a bunch of amazing gifts from my idol who also now my dad. What more would you want?

My sleep was so peaceful knowing I was happy in life, but it seemed too peaceful, something was missing.

At that moment, an alarm clock went off. "Wake up Elena honey, it's time for school, Brendon's gonna drive you there."

That's what was missing.
The little darkness in my light.

I wake up and look at the clock, and do you know what I'm seeing!?!? The clock says 6:00 AM!!! It's practically the middle of the night!

"Elena honey, Brendon and I put you into the middle school a couple blocks away, you're gonna be in grade 8." Sarah says while opening a window and do you know what I'm seeing? All I see around me are blinding lights (and familiar faces) from the sun.

"Okay!Okay! I'm up, don't make me go blind!" I say while trying to get up out of the sunlight.

"Haha! Just get dressed, we haven't gotten you school supplies and stuff, but it's okay. The principle said that for today you can learn the building and your schedual. Now hurry! You should be excited for your first day!"

Sarah leaves my room and I do normal morning routine stuff. I decide to never wear dresses to school. Pubescent boys and skirts do not mix well.

I put on my TØP Blurryface album shirt and some red skinny jeans to match the red circles. I wear my black combat boots and all my wrist bands. Sarah let me use her straightner to let me straighten my hair and pin a few strands with a red bow. I look in the mirror and do you know what I'm seeing? Actually not much, I'll blend right in with the emo kids.

I go downstairs and see breakfast already on the table. However, something that I saw made me loose my appetite.

Do you know what I'm seeing? Sarah is sitting on the counter with her arms and legs wrapped around Brendon as they passionately make-out.

"CAN YOU AT LEAST WAIT UNTIL I'M AT SCHOOL!?!" I screams as I cover my eyes.

They both jump in shock. We go to sit down at the kitchen table, but I still didn't eat much.

It was awkward and silent during the car ride to the school. Sarah decided to come along to see me go to school for the first time in years. See, when i was in the orphanage, we didn't go to schools, we were taught by the head mistress.

"Do you think this school will be good for you, Elena?" Brendon says breaking the awkward silence.

"Not at all but there's probably no way in getting out of it." I say as im getting out the car and walk towards the front doors of the school.

I walk in and go straight to the office where they hand me my schedule. Do you know what I'm seeing! I actually like most of these classes!
On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I have
Class 1- AP Science
Class 2- Advanced US History
Class 3- Music
Homeroom: Music
Class 4- Music

On Tuesdays and Thursdays i have:
Class 1- AP Math
Class 2- AP English
Class 3- Spanish Level 3
Homeroom: Music
Class 4- Music

Half of my week schedule consist of Music class and I'm hoping that this isn't a mess up.

I go talk to the principle just in case.
"Excuse me, I'd like to talk about my schedule, I think there's an error in it."
"Well, miss..."
"Urie. Elena Urie."
"Ahh yes, Brendon's daughter, he said to have you use your old last name, the kids here might treat you different if they knew who your dad was."
"Yeah, I figured.."
"So what do you think is wrong with your schedule?"
"I have Music for 3 classes on A days ((mon,wed,fri)) and Music for 2 classes on B days ((tues,Thurs))"

"Actually Elena, you excel in all your classes and we don't have high school classes available so your dad had you go into music as all your filler classes."
Do you know what I'm seeing? I see a confused principle wondering why I'm so happy.

I go to my first A day class, since it's monday, I go to AP Science.
I walk in and Do you know what I'm seeing? The whole class looking at me like I'm crazy, just because of my TØP outfit...

However, in the corner of my eye, I see this boy looking at me in amazement. When i look over to him, he turns to make it seem like he wasnt staring at me. I wait until the teacher walks in.

"Okay class, we have a new student, this is Miss.."
"Ur...I mean Gresbeck. Elena Gresbeck"
"Okay, Miss Gresbek, the only empty spot is in the back next to Knox."

He points to the boy who was staring at me earlier, appears that his name is Knox

I go sit next to him, with a closer look, I see that under his beanie he has light brown/blonde ish hair. He looks familiar... I swear I know him and I've seen him somewhere...

"Hi I'm Knox." The charming but shy boy says.

I can't quite put my finger on where I know him from. 

"Hi. I'm Elena, but call me El."
"Elena, that's a nice name."

And with that, Knox became my first friend that was a guy.
Yeah, I know, its shocking, but I was in a all girls orphanage most of my life.


But yeah. Lets pretend like all these peoples are Elena's age ((13-15))

Yo guys should comment and message me ideas for this book because I run out of idea's fast?

Also, should I make a personal book, so I won't have to pur Author's notes in here?


Thanks love ya lots!!
-HesitantBlurryface {Lyn}

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