Chapter 15- The Piano knows something I Don't Know

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*The Week After*

-Elena's POV-

I had to cancel my shows for the rest of the month. Doctors orders.

They said I didn't suffer from anything severe, so I don't see the point in cancelling.

The girls were seen on the camera hurting me and were charged with aggravated assault. Not by our request, but Chris sent security footage to police and got them sent to alternative school. You know, like the ones they send you to if you get into fights a lot of rape a girl in the bathroom. It was pretty excessive, but it was out of my control.

Also, I was told Knox got into a fight, but he didn't get in trouble. Declan told me that they counted it as self defense.

All my friends have also been very distant towards me ever since the paparazzi incident. I don't understand why though, they all are very aware of what really happened.

Was it about Knox's fight?
Was there more to the story?

At school, Knox was very distant. I decided to ask Declan.

"Hey Declan, you were there when Knox got into a fight right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Did something happen that I don't know of?"

"Nope." He immediately answers, as if it weren't true.

"Declan, I can tell you're lying. Please! Tell Me!"

He sighs, "I'm like a piano, I can only give the black and white of something until I am played and given a tune."


"So, you won't give specifics, unless you found a good reason...?"

"Precisely" he walks away and disappears down the dark hallway.

I turn around and begin to walk the opposite direction,
"Well then..."

"The piano knows something I don't know."

I walk to the back of the school where Brendon usually picked me up. There were actually some panic fangirls who have tried to get close to me just to get close to Brendon, which I've avoided with these methods.

"How was your day?"

"Same, ignored."

"Is Knox still ignoring you? Have you not been able to practice?"

I sigh, "Brendon, we haven't even chosen a song to perform!"

The next day at school, I was determined to find out exactly what happened, and I was going to get my best friend back. The first chance I'd get, I'd go talk to Knox.

"Hey Knox!" I smile as he looked confused.

He just continued to ignore me.

During my 3rd class, music, which is where this all happened 3 days ago, I decided to talk to Ruby.

"Hey Ruby, I really need to talk to you..."

"What do you want?" She snaps.

"Why is everyone so angry towards me, what did I do?"

"Are you that ignorant?"


"Knox got in a fight for you," she continues angrily, "He fucking loves you and you are so inconsiderate with your "my plate is full!" Bullshit."

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