Chapter 19- Impossible Year

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It was finally the ending of the year.

I still couldn't believe everything that's happened, actually did.

I went from a family where I had never had the chance to experience happiness, to an orphanage where I got to begin my life journey. Now, I was adopted by Brendon Urie, and I have everything I've ever wanted. The only thing I would want more, is to go back and relive everyday since I was adopted.

Or, at least I thought that was the only thing I wanted.

December 29th, 2005. They day my mom and brothers died at the hands of my father.
I can't even bare to call him that anymore.

Every year, I always became depressed around this time. I would always write a letter and then burn it above each of their graves.

It was the 26th, so I had 3 days to write my letters.

Through the next few days, Sarah and Brendon could tell that I'd become very depressed.

I spent the whole 3 days in my room alone, just writing and rewriting, and rewriting the letters over and over again.

To my little brother Landon,
I miss you. It's been 10 years without you,
You should be 12 years old by now,
You died the day you were able to speak your first sentence.
"I love you daddy"
Ironic how that day ended, and how it was at the hands of him.
I don't know what other to say other than how much I miss you.
Are you happy in heaven?
Are you with mommy and Jason?
Are you happy to be free of daddy hurting you?
I'd be happy to tell you that I haven't seen Daddy in a long time, and I probably won't see him ever anymore, we both know neither of us would want to.
I joined a new family.
They're nice and they love me.
But don't worry, they can't replace you.
I hope you're happy in heaven as happy as I am with my new family.
Be good to mommy and Jason okay?
I miss you Lanny, and I always will.
Love, Ellie.
To my big brother Jason.
I miss stealing your gameboy and having you chase me around the apartment.
It's something I've missed for 10 years.
You were supposed to graduate high school next semester.
You won't believe this, but remember that band you used to listen to? Panic at the Disco?
Guess what? I was Adopted by Brendon Urie!
He got married a few years back, and him and his wife, Sarah, are my parents now.
Just thought you'd be jealous.
But I'm actually jealous of you, I wish I was with Mommy and Lanny.
I haven't seen dad in a long time.
He tried to do what he did to you to me. My new family stopped him.
You can barely see the wound that could've ended my life anymore.
I haven't taken my happy pills since I was adopted, I haven't needed them.
They always were bitter when I swallowed them, but the people told me they would help me forget about Dad.
Are you taking care of mom up there?
Is she finally getting the love she deserves?
I hope you guys are as happy as I've been lately.
Also, I got a boyfriend, thought I'd tell you now cause you can't beat him up.
I have dreams about you guys sometimes.
I have nightmares about Dad. However,
The nightmares seems to hang on past the dreams.
Please keep Momma and Lanny happy til I get there, okay?
Don't worry, I'll take my time.
I'll miss you, and I still love you.
Love, Little E.
Dear Mommy,
I've felt like there was no sunshine for these years that you've been gone.
There were only black days, and my skies were always grey.
I felt as if everyday was just a storm of sorrows, and they never dissapeared.
I felt as there were no good times, and everyone's grievances of your deaths seemed so insincere.
It seemed like they felt sorry for what happened, but no one ever wanted to help me mommy.
I miss when it was you and me, but it was always heartache and hearbreak with Daddy.
You'd always ended up filling your gin with tears when he was around.
They gave me happy pills so I could forget about you, but they were always bitter, and I didn't want to forget you.
Dad came back, he gave me one last bruise, one that you can barely see, but is still permanent, like a tattoo.
Sometimes I wish I could go up there with you, where I won't breathe, but there would be nothing in between.
The nightmares daddy gave me always overpowered the happy dreams I've had with you.
I know there will be no you and me time in the sunshine of happiness for a long time.
I'll wait for those good times up there, but for now, I'm finally having good times down here.
Another family wanted me.
They know I still love you, and we all know they will never replace you.
I'm listening to the last thing you said to me, I'll take my time down here and I'll never forget you.
I miss you, and I love you mommy.
Love, Elena.
I put each letter into a different envelope, ready for me to burn them so the ashed could fall to their hearts, and the smoke of the letter can reach them in the heavens.

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