~*~ The Supernatural Friends ~*~

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A/N – I love Twilight, but I’m sure if I was a vampire I would hate it.

Liza’s POV

I un-locked the front door pushing it open and then closing it behind me. Quickly I slung my bag down on the floor and heading into the kitchen where I saw Kol and Nik sat. As soon as they heard me enter the room they both turned to look at me.

“How was your first day of school love?” Nik asked with the smile that was slowly becoming familiar.

“It was okay,” I shrugged sitting down at the table opposite both of them.

“Did you have a gossip session with the girls?” Kol squealed mimicking a girl, “How about any hot guys?”

“Shut up Kol Mikaelson,” I hissed leaning my head on my hand.

“So do you have any homework?” Nik questioned.

I sighed, why was he acting as if he cared? He only did that once and he kissed me afterwards. I think he was drunk though, he was slightly worried I’d die, his Father was on a murder rampage and he lost his best friend and sister.

“Nope,” I stated shaking my head.

I walked over to the fridge grabbing a blood bag seen as I couldn’t be bothered to go out and attack someone. Slowly I drunk from the bag and sat back down at the table with the guys.

“So seriously did you meet any hot boys?” Kol giggled like a girl.

“You know, no mortals could compare to you Kol,” I chuckled.

“Aw… Thank you,” He laughed pulling me into an awkward hug across the table.

“You two sicken me,” Nik frowned.

“Then leave us alone,” Kol smirked.

I laughed at the pair as they bickered a little bit more. This house was quite amusing with the arguments that occurred during the day and the night.

Within about ten minutes the two of them decided to be quiet and turn back to me. I just smiled.

“I’m going to go read a work book or something,” I shrugged just wanting to get away from the pair.

Standing up from the table I made my way over to the study taking a seat and grabbing my book off of the table. Sadly it was ‘Twilight’. It was a well written book but to be honest it was overly un-realistic. Sparkling vampire and werewolves who could turn at will and wanted to. That was as far as possible from the truth as humanely possible.

Also the Bella character she wasn’t like any normal human. She thinks being a vampire is a reward no one becomes a vampire by will unless they are mad. They might go through with the transition if they want to but they won’t take the blood if they had the choice.

I admired the way the book was written but truthfully the whole story within it was rubbish. I guess for humans it was amazing having these vampires and werewolves that they could believe in. If you were one it seemed rather rubbish as you knew the truth of these so called mythical creatures.

Once I finished the first book in the series I couldn’t bring myself to reading the next three. I’m pretty sure I would have ended up breaking the spines of the books before burning down the house. Then I would roll around in glue and glitter just to speculate how rubbish the concept is.

As I pulled myself away from the library before I destroyed the house, I decided I wanted to go outside for a little while. 

Fresh air should calm me down. I exited my home and sat down on the bench in the garden. Instead of sitting for longer than a minute I laid on the bench. Looking up I saw the blue sky with white fluffy clouds.

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