Authors Note

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Alright guys I wanted to give you an update on everything. I have began trying to write the updates for my stories. "trying" is the key word there. I've been off focus lately due to some issues at school. It was nothing I did, people just get jealous sometimes and think it's cool to spread rumors, say threats, and talk crap about someone. Let me just say that it's not cool and I don't recommend you guys do it. I've blocked them on all my social media and have completely shunned them. Well it's bothering them so much that they are bringing it to social media. In other words, they are the reason I haven't been able to update. So you can blame them. :/ I really miss writing and I promise I will get back to it as soon as this all blows over. I haven't forgotten about you guys and I love all of my supporters so much! Thank you for not leaving me, and for the most part being patient with me. I will try to update ASAP!! Loves youuuuuu!!! <3

p.s. watch my wall for updates and when I plan on updating. again, so sorry. :(


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2016 ⏰

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