Chapter 1

22 1 0

May's POV

I woke up bright and early just wanting to go back to sleep, I was up until 2 am last night watching YouTube, the best thing that was ever invented, and hoping one day, if I saved enough money, I could fly out to California for vidcon, but I knew my odds were slim. I forced myself out of bed and glanced over at my alarm clock, it was 6:45 am, I had 15 minutes to get ready and get out the door. I grabbed my uniform and headed to the bathroom. I never did anything with my hair like curling or straightening it, always just combed it through and tucked it along with my long bangs behind my ears. I looked at the mirror and stared at myself for a few minutes trying to spot any major imperfections. My dark blonde hair with some streaks of brown in it looked okay, intense grey eyes that I can make look friendly or intimidating at a moment's notice, which is quite useful when it comes to arguing with someone, didn't have any notable bags underneath them, thankfully, and no blemishes had popped up anywhere. I smiled at myself stupidly, my small dimples making a guest appearance. I heard a meow from behind me and turned to see my cat Winston staring absentmindedly at me. I found him about 3 weeks after I moved here while I was walking home from work and I knew that I just had to keep him. He was a dark grey and had a very long and fluffy coat. I swear he's a dog and not a cat because he loves to play fetch and meows at the door whenever the mailman shows up, it's quite adorable actually. I quickly smiled at him as he walked in and jumped up onto the counter, getting in my way as I tried to brush my teeth.

I finally got done with 2 minutes till 7, grabbed my denim backpack and proceeded to run straight into a wall, frankly I'm quite clumsy, and looked around my apartment. I had filled the small space with a few book shelves, posters, pictures and video games. I am quite the geek since in my spare time I'm either on my IPad watching YouTube or Netflix, playing some sort of video game, or reading. I shook myself out of my little trance and headed to the front door, grabbed my black Fall Out Boy jumper, and was off to work. I work at Barnes and Noble, which is a huge bookstore. I love my job because I can read all I want and I get a discount from the coffee shop that is inside it so I almost never have to pay for food.

I moved out of my parents house about 2 years ago in Dallas, Texas to pursue my dreams of living in England, probably the best decision I've ever made. I'm smack dab in the middle of London so I didn't own a car, plus, since they drive on the opposite side of the road here I would probably crash into someone within 5 minutes. My walk to work was quite nice, I passed a lot of small shops and bakeries, I enjoyed going there on the weekends when I had work off, I walked past the shops for a bit until I reached my short cut, a menacing maze of dark and dingy alley ways which I could easily get lost in. Me and my one friend had properly nicknamed this place Knockturn alley, from Harry Potter of course, because a few dodgy people spent a lot of time in that place. My shortcut saves me 20 minutes but still gives me the creeps whenever I use it, thankfully I've never had to use the can of pepper spray which I carry around for protection.

I arrived at work with an extra half-hour to spare, I was extremely tired so I immediately got my usual at the coffee shop, a hot chocolate with a chocolate chocolate muffin, I'm such a healthy person, and walked over to where my co worker was stationed at the register. Her name's Joyce, she has brown curly hair and light green eyes. We're the same age, 22, but she was born one month before me and I am constantly reminded of that; though I beat her in height by 6 inches at my unusual tall 6"1, or 185 centimeters as they say in Europe, so I have plenty to tease her about as well. She is native to Britain so she has the stereotypical accent which I find highly amusing, and she feels the same way about my slight southern one.

"Morning, May," She yells at me brightly, flailing her arm in an unusual greeting. She's constantly cheerful so it keeps me in a good mood as well. Her name tag, which is pinned to the dark green uniform we are required to wear, is covered by multicolored smiley face stickers.

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