Chapter 9

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Lachlan's POV

This was an interesting experience. I had been dragged out of the base by people I barely knew, well, I knew Phil quite well since he was the one who trained me to become a guardian and was carrying in my arms the most valuable person on the planet right now. She had fallen asleep a few miles back and I was praying to every being that had any power ever that I wouldn't drop her. She was quite a lovely person, she was wearing blue jeans and a black sweatshirt. She had a backpack on and there was a few things in there that was quite heavy. She had soft blonde hair with brown streaks in it and when she was awake she had intense grey eyes that were either inviting or deadly at a glance. She was nearly my height and had a southern accent like my friend Preston.

We flew for at least an hour when I saw the castle up ahead, The sun had just started to come up. I tapped May on her arm and she woke up.

"We're here!" I said softly.

"Morning to you as well, and yay!" She said with a huge smile. We landed a few hundred feet from it and I set her down careful on the grass, she got up and brushed herself off quickly and we began walking towards the castle.

"I hope everyone got back safely..." She quietly, her words drifting off.

"I'm sure there okay!" I said optimistically. We reached the castle entrance and walked in. I saw a group of people talking with each other with their backs to us. May coughed and they turned around. It was Dan, Phil, Alfie, Joe, Zoe, Tyler, Troye, Caspar, Joey Graceffa, Daniel (Joey's "boyfriend"), Vikk, Preston, and Rob. They all yelled in shock and ran over to us. Vikk, Preston and Rob tackled me to the ground in a dog pile. When I got up everyone was eagerly surrounding us with huge smiles.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!!" Tyler yelled excitedly, his face bright red.

"Good observation Tyler!" May said with a smirk and everyone laughed.

"Well I'm just happy you're here in one piece!" He said defensively, going even a darker shade of red if that was possible.

"We better tell the head guardians of your arrival..." Dan pipped up. Everyone nodded in agreement and they began walking to the communication device at the front of the room.

"Is that a record player?" May asked skeptically, I couldn't blame her the first time I saw it I burst out front of everyone during an extremely serious meeting...yeah......

"Technically yes, but it was repurposed for our needs." Vikk explained calmly. Dan fiddled with the machine for a bit then suddenly it lit up.

"You have found the girl," said a head guardian, you never could tell which one it was since they didn't really have a name of sorts. "Good work, everyone." They/it spoke calmly.

"Umm hi, I'm May the girl that apparently lit up the watches," May said calmly, "I'm just wondering why exactly I did, I haven't done anything major like rob a bank or contract a fatal disease so I'm just a little curious as to why I'm here.." She said curiously, at least she didn't think she was going insane.

"We technically don't know exactly why this happened, what we do know is you're the first person who has ever done this before and you are going to be a huge factor in a major event happening soon. We know that you are a very skilled person when it comes to fighting so we think it might have something to do with the war against Myles and his group of rebels. It has been going on for a few months and a huge battle is approaching. We need Myles either captured or eliminated in order to end the war. We know you stole something from him that his very important which might affect the outcome. For your own safety I highly recommend staying here until the event comes to pass. May you stay safe." The guardian said then the light faded and we were left standing there.

"Okay then," May said breaking the awkward silence. We all were staring at her and even in the poor light I could see her go red.

"Well then, Ms. Chosen one," I pipped up, "Looks like you might be here for a while!" I said with a smile. A few things that the head guardian said confused me, what had she stolen and did this mean that it was May who would kill Myles or capture him in the end?

"We better find you a place to stay, there's a few empty rooms in the west end if someone could take her down there." Dan said mulling over the thought. Tyler volunteered and lead May to her room.

"This is gonna be an interesting adventure," Phil said the second May and Tyler left the hall, "Now our main objective, along with finding Myles and capturing him, is to keep May safe. Someone always has to be near her making sure none of Myles's people can capture her, agreed?" He said commandingly.

We all murmured in agreement and headed outside.

(A/N: A wild update has appeared)

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