Chapter 17

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(A/N: For anyone who is reading this as I update, I'm very sorry for the slow updates. Schools a pang and inspiration is and an ALL TIME LOW ;)

Zoe's POV

I woke up in a dark room and groggily sat up. I blinked a few times and my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I looked around and saw that the room was filled with old furniture and covered in dust and cobwebs. The walls were made out of concrete and I was freezing cold. I rubbed my arms, trying to keep warm. I was wearing nothing but skinny blue jeans and a short sleeved white t shirt. I cautiously stood up and walked around the room. It was quite large, the walls were concrete and cold to the touch. I think it's a basement. I walked around an old cabinet and saw someone lying on the floor. My legs moved before logic kicked in. When I reached the figure, I kneeled down. Tyler Oakley lay on the cold hard ground. He looked better than expected, his glasses slightly askew but relatively normal. My lungs started heaving as the panic seized my body and I backed up in fear until I was up sliding down the wall a few feet from Tyler. I pulled my knees in close to my head, feeling tears gathering in my eyes. Wherever I was, I knew that Myles had something to do with it and I cursed myself for always putting others in danger. This was my problem, not Tyler's, but yet, he had to suffer for it. I cried silently for what seemed like forever when my watch started buzzing. After contemplating whether or not to ignore it, I looked down and saw Lachlan was trying to call me. Luckily, when I had gotten back to the base a while ago, I had gotten my watch repaired. I quickly pressed accept and said "hello" in no more than a whisper.
"Zoe! Are you okay?" I heard May whisper shout back.
"I'm okay for now. I don't know where I am." My voice wobbled in fear of being overheard. "Tyler's here with me. I woke up a few minutes ago. What happened?" I asked with nervous excitement at the hope that was sprouting in my chest.
"Just after May got done being tested you fainted, so Alfie, Tyler, and I brought you to the hospital. Myles came with two of his guys and he took out Tyler while Alfie and I got pinned up against the wall. Basically, a few words were exchanged and we got the crap beaten out of us. I ended up getting stabbed, and Myles took you and Tyler to wherever you are now. We ran to get help, but then about 50 of Myles's guys attacked us. May and I managed to get out of there," Lachlan quickly explained.
"Lachlan, are you alright?" I asked concernedly.
"He's alright, I got him to a hospital and now we're back at my place," May answers me quickly. "Hold on Zoe were gonna pinpoint your location and come get you guys out of there!" She added in rush.
"Okay come-" I began, but then someone grabbed my wrist and yanked my watch off. I was about to yell for help when a hand slapped me hard across my face, leaving a burning mark on my cheek. I scrambled back and quickly found myself stuck in a corner.
"Hello, Zoe," Myles said in an cool tone. My blood went cold and I began to tremble with fear. I tried to back up even farther but was unsuccessful, so I just pulled my knees up close to my chest and squeezed my eyes shut. Myles walked over to me and bent down until his face was level with mine. "It's been so long since we've talked," he slurred quietly. His breath reeked of beer and it took everything in me not to gag when he leaned even closer. "What's the matter, Love? No one can keep us apart now," he growled with a cruel smile. I was paralyzed as he caressed my cheek, shaking as he grabbed my arm and yanked me to my feet. He slammed me against the wall, the air leaving my lungs in a rush, and pinned both of my arms to my sides. He leaned in and kissed me viciously, bringing hot tears to my eyes. Frustration burned in my chest at being so helpless in the midst of this monster. After what seemed like hours, he pulled away and looked me in the eyes. His eyes were bottomless pits of cruelty and sick pleasure. He pulled me off the wall and threw me down onto the floor. I tried to scramble away, but Myles reached me first and kicked me hard in the side. I screamed in pain as he kicked again and again, knocking all the air out of me. The striking stopped, but the torment didn't. He bent down next to my head. My body lay in a motionless heap, prayers running through my head over and over, wishing helplessly that he would go away.

"You're not leaving me this time," he whispered, stirring the hairs by my ear. He stood up without another bitter word and left me to the unforgiving darkness. I heard a door slam and lock. Then, all was silent. I dragged myself back over to the corner and curled up into a ball. Crying softly, I fell into a reverie, capable of having nightmares but not getting any rest. Someone softly chanting my name snapped me out of it and I slowly opened my eyes to see Tyler leaning over me, an expression of deep concern etched across his face.
"Zoe! Thank the lord you're alive!" He practically squealed, breathing a sigh of relief. I pushed myself up into a sitting position, aching all over from Myles's attack. I suppressed the urge to claw at my lips.
"Tyler!" I cried with relief. I grabbed his arms and pulled him into a hug. I started crying uncontrollably into Tyler's t shirt. He spoke tenderly, calming me down. After a while, I backed away and wiped the tears out of my eyes.
"I'm so sorry Zoe, I could've stopped them if I wasn't such a idiot," he said, running his hands through his hair. "I'm such a fool, Zoe! I'll probably never get to tell Troye how I feel now!" He cursed himself.
"No, Tyler, it's not your fault. This is all Myles's stupid fault. I just wish that we had never met in the first place." I stared at the ground. "And it takes a lot of bravery to tell someone how you feel, so don't feel guilty about that." I looked Tyler in the eye. He had been crushing on Troye Sivan for the longest time, but was always too nervous to reveal his feelings towards him even though it was obvious that they both liked each other.
"Thanks Zoe," he mumbled, hugging me again. I took a deep breath and told him about what happened when he was unconscious, leaving out the part about being attacked by Myles.
"So they could be coming?" Tyler asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.
"I don't know for sure, but there is a strong chance they could." My calm voice betrayed the excitement I felt on the inside. I didn't want to raise our hopes up when they could so easily be dashed.

Just then, I heard the door open and close. My heart started racing wildly, and I felt Tyler tense up next to me. Someone shuffled into the room and stopped after a few muffled steps. Complete silence spread, nobody daring to take a breathe. Just hoping that, whoever it was, would go away occupied my thoughts. I heard a thunk, like someone dropped something heavy, then more shuffling and a door opening and closing softly. Click. Tyler and I stared at each other, not moving. Finally, I hesitantly got up, followed by Tyler. We silently crept around the furniture, which blocked our view of whatever the person had dropped. When I peeked around the corner, I saw someone lying on the floor but couldn't tell who it was in the dark, only identifying the build of a male. I crept over to the second unconscious figure of the night and knelt down. The person was lying face down. Tyler kneeled next to me and together, we gently flipped him over. It was none other than Troye Sivan.(A/N: Troyler 4 life)

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