Chapter 14

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May's POV

I woke up and groggily pulled myself into a sitting position. I rubbed my eyes a few times and glanced over at the clock that was hanging on the wall. It took a few seconds too long to read it since I was still tired, but managed to decipher a six. I groaned and got out of bed. I walked into the main living room and saw someone had left me a bag on the couch. I opened it up and found some new clothes, toothpaste and a toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner, soap, a comb, and a towel. I grabbed the bag and dragged it into the bathroom, taking my sweet time. I took a quick shower, got dressed and combed my hair. I looked in the mirror at my new clothes, blue jeans and a black short sleeved t shirt with intricate silver flower designs on it. I deemed I looked ok and walked back into the main room grabbing my phone and earbuds, promptly stuffing them into my pocket. I don't know why, but I retrieved the knife from its hiding place, washed it off and stuffed it into my backpack. I glanced frantically around the room making sure I didn't forget anything else and then opened my door and walked into the hallway, softly closing it behind me. I slowly strolled down the hall, admiring how everyone had decorated their door, when I heard a sound behind me and saw Lachlan walk out of his room, dressed in skinny blue jeans and a dark grey t shirt with his hair slightly ruffled in a totally cute kind of way. He froze when he saw me, then blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

"Morning Lachy!" I said brightly. He ran his hand through his hair as he walked towards me, his blush darkening ever so slightly.

"Morning May, sorry that I look like trash," He said quietly, making brief eye contact then returning his gaze to the ground.

"You do not look like trash," I glared at him. "Now stop being a diva and come on, we better find some breakfast before someone eats it all!" I said smiling while grabbing his arm, dragging him along with me as I ran out of the barracks and into the bright sunlight. I looked up and saw a few people flying around, although I couldn't see who they were. When they saw Lachlan and I, they waved and began to descend. As they got closer, I could see that it was Zoe, Alfie, Joe, Phil, Connor, Troye and Tyler. They all landed in a semi circle around us and tucked their wings in.

"Good morning May! And Lachlan!" Tyler said cheerfully. I was just about to respond when someone tackled me from behind and sent me sprawling onto the grass. I could hear everyone yell in shock as whoever tackled me groaned in pain.

"Sorry!" They yelled into my right ear. I felt the weight disappear as I looked up and saw Lachlan holding out his hand to help me up. I gladly took it and brushed myself off. I turned to see Dan, bright red, and brushing himself off.

"May, I am so sorry!" Dan apologized, rushing towards me while fixing his hair so his bangs swept perfectly to the side. He was in maroon jeans, something I would've killed to see him in before, and a plain black short sleeve t shirt. When he got over to me he patted my shoulder and pulled a piece of grass out of my hair. I punched him in the arm.

"OW!" He said instinctively backing up and rubbing his arm.

"Thanks for knocking me over!" I said angrily, trying not to laugh along with everyone else.

"I'm sorry, OK?!" He said still rubbing his arm. After everyone had laughed themselves out, we walked over to the main hall where they had breakfast laid out along one of the walls. I grabbed some fruit loops and a glass of milk then sat down at one of the tables they had set out. I noticed that we were the only ones in there. Everyone sat down and we continued talking.

"So, what's gonna happen today?" I asked, shoving some cereal into my mouth.

"Well, we're planning on testing you to see your fighting ability so we know what exactly we have to work with," Phil said after taking a sip of his tea. I noticed every Brit there had a cup of tea and I began to laugh uncontrollably.

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