Chapter 8

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May's POV

We waited on the roof for a few minutes and I saw the clouds completely covered the sky. When Tyler pointed up and said "there!" I could make out 6 shapes spiraling towards us from extremely high up, though I couldn't pinpoint any details until they got slightly closer. I could see Dan Howell, Alfie Deyes, Joe Sugg, Phil Lester, Troye Sivan, and what surprised me the most, Lachlan Power, an Australian Minecraft YouTuber.

"ZOE!" I heard one of them yell. I looked over at Zoe and saw she had a huge smile on her face. She spread her wings, which had just appeared, and flew up to meet them. She collided with Alfie and hugged him, Joe joining in shortly after and made it an awkward three some. I smiled at that. They all touched down and exchanged hugs once again, seeming like they were hanging on to one another in case they started drifting away. I hung out a distance from them, standing alone awkwardly. I saw Lachlan was also somewhat awkwardly standing there, so that made me feel a tiny bit better that I wasn't the only one feeling out of place. After a minute or so they walked over to me and introduced themselves.

Dan was pretty cheery, wearing his usual black jeans and signature black t shirt with a white empty circle on it. Phil was all smiles and even hugged me. He was in blue jeans with a Pokemon t shirt. Alfie, in blue jeans and a maroon sweatshirt with a beanie, was over the moon happy since he was with Zoe. Joe had the same attitude as Alfie and he was sporting blue jeans and a red and black flannel t shirt. Troye was quiet but not in a shy way, he was in blue jeans and a plain short sleeved white t shirt. Lachlan was a tad bit shy and awkward, he was also in blue jeans and blue and white horizontally striped sweater.

"Okay, how do we get you out of here?" Dan asked thoughtfully. "Since you can't fly we're probably gonna have to carry you...that sounds weird....." Dan said his words trailing off. He mumbled something else, but I couldn't make out his words. He was right when it came to people not being able to understand what he was saying. I went red at that thought. My inner fan girl was going off the charts, I was gonna be flying in the arms of one of my favorite YouTubers.......EEEKKKKK!

"Ummm....sure...." I said awkwardly, trying to suppress my excitement and act casual. Just as Dan was about to say something, I looked up and saw people flying at us. Their wings were black as tar. I pointed up and everyone gasped. There was about 10 of them and in the lead was my old pal dumpster boy.


"We have to go, now," Phil commanded as they all spread their wings and prepared to take off. "Lachlan can you take, ummm, forgot your name, sorry!" Phil said apologetically. How everyone could forget a three letter name so easily was beyond me.

"Umm... Are you sure that would be a good choice?" Lachlan stammered.

"We don't have time to dilly dally. LET'S GO!" Joe yelled as he took off. Lachlan looked at me and mouthed "sorry" as he swept me off my feet into a bridal style carry and took off. I was sure I was in full on tomato mode. We rose higher and higher off the ground at a dizzying speed. I looked around and Zoe being flanked by Alfie and Joe. Dan, Phil, Troye and Tyler were surrounding Lachlan and me. I glanced back and saw the dumpster guy pull out a gun and aim it at Alfie.

"DUCK!" I yelled at Alfie. He swerved out of the way just in time. The bullet passed by him harmlessly but I saw dumpster guy aim again.

Just then Lachlan's watch lit up and spoke "We have to hide in the clouds, just get away from them. Go anywhere as long as you can escape!" It was Zoe's voice. I saw her fly up into the clouds and disappear. I knew this was slightly dangerous since we could easily get off course and end up in India but we would just have to take that chance. Lachlan flew up into the clouds and I couldn't see anything. We flew for what seemed like forever in silence. He occasionally glanced down at me and smiled. I could tell this was extremely gawky for him so I decided to attempt to break the ice with my killer conversation skills. Not.

"You must use the 'I just flew in from wherever and boy my arms are tired!' joke a lot?" He laughed.

"Yes we do and after a while it's just become our usual greeting." He said jokingly. I smiled and giggled. For the love of explosions everywhere, what was getting into me?

"So how long have you been an angel?" I asked curiously.

"Only for three years. I'm the newest one on the job and haven't really done anything that's important so I'm really hoping I don't muck this up and drop you or anything...." He said nervously all in one breath. His face grew bright red and he adverted his gaze elsewhere.

"Don't worry, you're doing just fine, but I would prefer not to die if that's cool with you." I said jokingly and we burst out in snickers again.

"I think we lost them. Should I dive down to see where exactly we ended up?" He asked hesitantly. I could see that he was breathing heavily and his face was getting red quickly. I didn't want him to die of exhaustion or anything so I replied a causal 'sure'.

"I'm half hoping we end up in the Bahamas, I need a vacation!" I teased. He smiled as we descended below the clouds. We were flying over a small village that was next to the ocean.

"I'll take it!" I sang. We flew down and landed in a small wooded area on the outskirts of town. Lachlan said he needed to take a quick breather so we walked into the town and found a small pub called the Dog & Duck that we could go into and rest for a bit. A waitress came around and we ordered drinks. I got a lemonade and Lachlan got a Pepsi.

"We live on the edge!" I commented after we got our drinks.

"We sure do!" He said with a bright smile.

"Any idea where exactly we are?" I asked peculiarly. "I don't think this is the Bahamas."

"I can check quick, hold on," he said while raising his arm onto the the table and tapping his watch. It was on a plain black leather band and the face of the watch was a Pikachu.

"Gotta catch them all?" I asked sarcastically. He beamed.

"Yep, I wanna be the best there ever was!" He chuckled and tapped the face of his watch. It pulled up an intricate map. "It's a similar design to an Apple watch but it has a few extra features." He said when he saw my puzzled expression. He tapped the map a few times and it pinpointed our location.

"Mumbles, England. Okay then...." He said reading the map. We aren't too far from the main base." Lachlan said while running his hands through his hair.

"Where exactly is this 'base'?" I questioned.

"It's at this castle, here I'll show you," He said touched the screen of his watch a few more times. A picture popped up of an old castle that had several people walking around it. "It's called Pendennis castle, 'built' by King Henry the 8th. It's been around for a while and was even used in a few wars." He piped enthusiastically.

"When'd you learn all of this?" I asked curiously and he went red.

"I just learned bits and bobs when I was there. I thought it was quite fascinating..." He said quietly, trailing off.

"I'm quite the history buff so it's cool that you know your stuff!" I said earnestly. He smiled shyly and fiddled with his watch for a bit. We talked until night had fallen, which wasn't long. I learned that he was quite good at medicine and saved a few people's lives when they got injured after missions and he had been to Antarctica once to track down a lost artifact from a mission long ago. I told him about my family in Texas and how I moved here to see the world and my job at the bookstore. He was surprised that I watched YouTube a lot and even more surprised when I said I was into gaming.

"Seriously!?" He roared in disbelief when I told him I watched his videos. "Well, umm, thanks!" He mused with a shy smile. We got up from our table and I had a few euros on me so I left a few as a tip. When we stood to go outside, I saw a few of the clouds had disappeared so the moon and some stars were peeping through. We walked back to the woods slowly, but this time when he took off it was slightly less awkward. We flew for a while talking randomly about the weather and history facts, and soared over some pretty little towns and a few farms and woods. I hadn't got much sleep in the past 24 hours and I was feeling exhausted. I attempted to stay awake but eventually just gave in.

I fell asleep above a tiny little town, over a thousand feet off the ground with my head in the clouds.

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