Chapter 7

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Dan's POV

I walked down the dimly lit hallway until I reached Joe's and Alfie's room. Last night, even after they flew around the entire city of London looking for Zoe, they refused to call it quits, though they were extremely tired and both quite beat up. We had to knock them out and bring them back here before the caused any harm. Luckily no one was dead, but a few had been seriously hurt, including Connor who took a nasty stab wound defending an unconscious Caspar Lee. The only people missing were Zoe and Tyler. After all of that we still hadn't found the girl. Great.

I took a deep breath and went in. Joe and Alfie were talking to each other, both sitting on their beds in the normal casual clothes. We had to restrain them or else they would've hurt someone to get out of there. No one would've blamed them, but we just needed to keep them safe since they were both on Myles's hit list and would do something rash if it meant finding Zoe. I cleared my throat and they looked at me.

"Did you find Zoe?" Joe asked immediately. I could tell he was doubtful.

"Not yet, but we managed to send out extra patrols looking for them!" I said in a falsely cheery voice, shaking my hands in the air.

"Will you let us out yet? We're fine, we don't need to be in a bloody hospital!" Alfie hissed angrily. I was suddenly glad that he couldn't attack me.

"You know I can't unless there is some sort of emergency. We're doing all that we can." I reported calmly. The two of them were about to say something, but my watch started beeping, beating them to it. I looked at it and saw it was a call coming in, though I couldn't tell from who. I took it anyway.

"Hello?" I asked curiously.

"Dan!" I heard Tyler bubble enthusiastically, "We're okay! I'm here with Zoe and, ummmm, what's your name gurrrrrl?" He asked in a drawl. I was speechless. I heard Joe and Alfie gasp.

"May!" said someone unfamiliar in between laughs.

"WHAT!?" I yelled. Alfie and Joe began yelling as well. "WHERE ARE YOU!? ARE YOU OKAY!?!" Speaking over the noise. We must have alerted half the country to our presence with the racket we were making.

"Yes, we're fine!" Zoe spoke calmly. "Look, we're gonna send you our location, come meet us here and bring a few people. If we run into rebels were gonna need back up, okay?" She said in a commanding voice. That shut Alfie and Joe up for a few seconds, thank goodness.

"OK WE'RE COMING GET YOU IN FIVE!" I shouted, glad that they were alright. I was freaking out, my fingers trembling as I tapped my watch. It showed me their location, a small apartment complex in London.

"Oi! Were coming with!" Alfie huffed at me. I knew if I didn't let them, they'd murder me later, so I pulled out my knife, which I kept for emergencies, and cut of the bonds that held them to the bed. They thanked me in a hurry and we charged down the hallway heading outside. We turned a corner and ran straight into Phil, Troye, and someone I didn't know too well but knew was a wiz at medicine.

"What the!?" Phil exclaimed as I accidentally tackled him to the ground. Luckily Alfie and Joe had stopped behind me and didn't crash into anyone.

"I got a radio message. Tyler and Zoe are okay! There with the girl that lit up our watches. We have to go NOW!" I practically cried loudly. All three looked shocked, but they recovered in record time, coming along. It was extremely early in the morning and the moon was still out. We flew as fast as we possibly could and reached the complex after 10 minutes. All of us were up in the clouds so we couldn't see below us. I signaled for us to dive down, and when we got below the clouds I could make out three figures standing on top of a roof.

I dived as fast as I could, the wind slicing at my face, but not stopping the huge smile spreading across it.

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