Chapter 13

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Chapter 13 (mainly a filler/hint ;)

Myles POV

"I WANT THAT GIRL!" I roared pounding my fist on the table. It was late at night and I was still furious at my earlier defeat. I knew I could take a little girl but she caught me by surprise and I was determined to not let that not to happen again.

"Sir, we have a plan to get her, you just need to wait," Alex, my right hand man, said calmly.

"You're just saying that because you want that one pathetic boy for yourself," I spat. His gaze quickly darted to the floor, his fists clenched. I knew I had struck a nerve but his anger wasn't directed towards me.

"I do want him, but you want Zoe as well so we're even there. We're attacking there base shortly, it's just a matter of waiting now," he said quietly. I knew his past well, he had been a good little Angel until I meet him. Ever since then he had been loyal to our cause but I knew his heart belonged to someone else.

"You know that he thinks your dead, he's moved on,"

"Yes, I know," He said emotionlessly. "But I also know when he sees me after the shock passes he'll come back to me. I just have to get rid of the other one first," his gaze never leaving the floor.

"You'll get him back," I said putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"We'll both get our true loves back,"

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