Chapter 6

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Zoe's POV

I woke up screaming and thrashing around. I could hear someone trying to calm me down but I was panicking too much. I couldn't breathe and it felt like I was going to die. Someone grabbed my arm and when I focused my vision on who it was and I realized it was May.

"It's ok, you were having a nightmare, you're okay now." She said in a soothing tone. I burst into tears and began sobbing uncontrollably feeling absolutely worthless. I couldn't even protect myself let alone someone else. Why would anyone want to make ME an angel? May pulled me into a hug and we sat for a while as I cried into her shoulder unable to stop myself.

"I'm s-sorry I ca-can't even save myself let a-alone you, I sh-shouldn't be here. I-I'm worthless!" I wailed.

"Zoe," she said in a serious tone pulling away enough to look directly into my eyes. "You are not worthless, you have millions of people who look up to you, not everyone can be strong at times. I'm certainly not the strongest person in the world, and you can save people in the best way of all. Whenever you upload a video, you give someone a reason to smile. You are amazing Zoe, don't ever let anyone tell you other wise." She declared, never breaking eye contact. I looked down into my lap embarrassed because she didn't know the whole story.

"A couple years ago," I began while wiping my eyes, "I began dating this guy who was nice and sweet, not Alfie I should add. He told me he loved me and that he would never let me go. His name....." I said quietly, it was hard to get the words out. "His name is Myles." I looked up quick and saw May's eyes widened in shock. "After a while he began to drink more and get angrier. He would yell at me and call me worthless and such. Eventually he began to hit me when he got mad." I could hear May let out a soft "oh" and I continued on, "I was embarrassed to tell anyone, he threatened to kill me and anyone I cared about if I told, so I didn't. One day we were alone at our base and he got angry at me and hit me." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I fell to the floor and he kicked me over and over again," I could feel tears falling down my face, "I just closed my eyes and let it happen, then suddenly he stopped. I looked up and saw Dan Howell standing over me. He had just walked into the room and saw what was happening. He yelled at Myles to stop but Myles starting punching him too, being the drunk he was and started stumbling around so Dan was able to knock him out by grabbing a wooden plank that happened to be in there from earlier construction and broke it over his head. He kneeled down next to me and I cried into his shoulder and told him everything. Eventually some of our friends came in looking for Dan and when they saw what had happened they freaked out. Myles was dragged out, still unconscious, and thrown into jail. Eventually he was convicted of assault and abuse and he was banished, his watch confiscated and his wings turned black. Ever since Myles has been waiting for his revenge on not only me but Dan for separating us, Joe for defending me in court and being the main person to get his sentence, and Alfie for falling in love with me." I looked up into May's eyes, tears were falling down her face. "Now, all I wish was that I told somebody earlier."

"I'm so sorry," She comforted quietly. Strangely I didn't feel any shame for telling her. She hugged me and we sat there for a while. We eventually wiped our eyes and when I glanced over at the clock I saw it was 4:00 AM. Oops.

"Do you want something to eat?" She asked after checking the time as well.

"Maybe something little..." I said glancing over at Tyler who was still unconscious.

"First I better wake him up though," May said standing up. She walked over and picked up Tyler and carried him out of the room. She walked back and and headed to a cabinet where she pulled out a empty pitcher and closed the cabinet. Then walked over to the sink and turned it on letting it run for a bit. She filled it up 3/4th of the way and turned the sink off, making her way over to the fridge and opened one of the doors, grabbed a few handfuls of ice and closed the fridge door.

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