Chapter 11

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(AN Oh, look, a wild update!)

Dan's POV

I called a meeting and explained to everyone what had occurred in the past 24 hours. We all agreed to watch over May until Myles was long gone. After the meeting was adjourned, I flew outside and headed to the ocean. I wanted to be alone just to collect my thoughts. I knew Phil would come looking for me soon so I didn't go to my usual spot. Instead, I flew along the coast for a bit until I reached an unpopulated area. I flew down and landed next to the salty water, the smell of the ocean washing over me in a refreshing breeze. There was a large bent tree hanging over the water at a perfect angle, so I climbed on it and sat down, my legs dangling from the edge. I breathed the briny air in deeply as I stared out over the endless sea. I was nervous about Myles. He was a lot stronger than me and could easily take a 3V1 situation, so how was a small girl supposed to fight him, even if she was abnormally strong? The head guardian said that she was an experienced fighter and had taken something from him but I was still nervous about her facing Myles. He was ruthless and would not hesitate to harm her, maybe even kill her if he found it necessary. I was also nervous about Zoe; if Myles caught her again...

I shuddered at that thought. After Myles was taken away, I saw that she had gotten quite a few nasty injuries that weren't visible from the outside. She was terrified of him and he was determined to get her back, for what reason, I was not sure. Alfie and Joe were always watching over her, but I still worried it would not be enough.

After thinking for a while and clearing my head, I took a deep breath and spread my wings. I slowly flew back to the castle and when I landed Phil immediately rushed over.

"What's wrong?" He asked nervously. Any time I left him alone for 5 minutes, he would start panicking and think I blew something up, which wasn't too unlikely.

"Nothing, I just went to clear my head." I said with a exasperated sigh.

"We were planning on getting May and introducing her to everyone. Should we?" Phil asked curiously. "I learned from Zoe that she does infact watch Youtube so we might as well introduce her to the people behind the camera!" He offered with a smile. I knew she would probably freak out mentally but it would be a good show.

"Sure, I'll go fetch her quick, but let's try not to kill her from excitement, though?" I provided with an evil smile as I flew to the barracks. I walked down the hall until I reached what I presumed was her room. I knocked on the door and heard her yell something. I waited for a few seconds before she opened her door.

"Hola!" She said with a grin. She stepped outside her room and into the hallway closing the door behind her.

"Ready to meet some people?" I asked with a smile. She tilted one side of her lips and nodded quickly, but not before I noted a tinge of suspicion in her ever changing grey eyes.

"Ready as I'll ever be!" She responded with a hint of excitement in her voice.

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