Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Tyler's POV

"TROYE!" I screamed. I couldn't stop myself, I was freaking out, my emotions going everywhere. The room started spinning and before I knew it, I blacked out. When I woke up I saw Troye, his wings spread wide out, leaning over me, biting his lower lip; he was super adorable with slightly messy, but still extremely cute, hair.

"Troye?" I asked groggily. I was half convinced that I was dreaming. There was no way he could be here.

"Tyler!" He cried with relief as he pulled me off the floor and into a sitting position and then tackled me to the floor again in a hug. The world seemed to just disappear around us, Troye and I the only ones in existence in that moment. After what seemed like an eternity, he awkwardly got up and helped me sit up again. "You had me worried sick! Don't ever freak me out like that again!" He yelled hoarsely, trying to be serious.

"Don't worry babe I won't!" I replied with a smile. He playfully punched me on my arm and I faked being in pain. Just then Zoe interrupted us by laughing.

"You guys are sooooo cute!" She said squealing in delight. I stood up abruptly, my cheeks going red.

"You had to ruin the moment, didn't you?" I growled at her and she laughed even harder.

"Don't worry Tilly, she didn't ruin it completely," Troye said standing up and kissing me on the cheek. I pretty much died right then and there. I had won life at this point.

"It's kinda already destroyed. I mean, we're stuck here," I pointed out, vaguely gesturing around the room.

Zoe sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. "Hopefully not for long"

"So, um, Prince Charming, how'd you end up here?" I asked curiously.

"Well, when I was fighting back at the main base, someone grabbed me from behind and pressed a knife to my throat," he began in his adorable Australian accent which melted my heart. "They were losing the fight since we're so awesome and stuff, but they used me as a way to escape, threatening to kill me if we didn't let all of their people go. We agreed and they took me as ransom. I know it sounds like a horrible deed on our part, but our forces had no choice. It was either death for me, or temporary imprisonment until I found a way out." He mumbled something else, but I didn't catch it. "So here I am!" He finished with a smile despite the circumstances.

"How can you make even that sound cute?" I asked incredulously while leaning up against Troye and staring up at his stunning blue eyes.

"It's a gift," he replied, putting his arm around me. I was on freaking cloud gazillion at this point.

"Stop being relationship goals for one second, please?" I laughed self consciously at Zoe's question.

We all sat down next to each other against the wall opposite to the door, myself being in the middle with Troye to my right and Zoe to my left. Zoe explained to us what happened while I was unconscious and Troye still hadn't shown up yet, choking up at the part where Myles beat her up. I got extremely angry at that part, but before I could speak my mind, a large crash sounded through the small room. Speak of the devil.

"ZOE!" He roared in anger. He charged over to where we sat, but we scattered at the last second, sending him flying into the wall. I noticed that his wings were out and he wasn't drunk so something must be up. I glanced over and saw Zoe staring in absolute horror at Myles. He scrambled up and charged at Zoe again like some bull in a china shop. Before he could reach her, my prince, Troye, tackled him out of the way and I joined the fight. I howled at Zoe to get out of here but the poor girl was petrified with fear. I didn't blame her though, Myles was in full out rage mode and wasn't taking any of it. Even I, someone who had gone through barely half of what Zoe experienced, was scared to death. We tried to keep him away from Zoe but he was able to send me flying across the room and slammed Troye into a cabinet. He was just about to reach Zoe when, out of nowhere, two people burst into the room and tackled him. They managed to knock him out by whacking his head onto a old metal fridge. He collapsed to the ground, rage still rolling off him in waves. When the two people turned around, I saw that it was May and Lachlan. I fell to the ground in relief.

"Someone order a pizza?" May inquired nonchalantly.

"MAY!" Zoe screeched and tackled her in a tight hug. Lachlan was awkwardly standing there, so I figured that I'd share the love. Wrong decision, for he immediately tensed up and started pulling away.

I let him go and thanked him.

"No problem, but it was mostly May's doing," he said with a smile.

"Guys, we better get out of here before Myles wakes up or some of his people come find us," May stood, helping Zoe up. We all agreed and quickly ran out of the dark room into a dimly lit staircase. We charged up and up, our steps pounding against the metal stairs. When we reached the top, High School Musicals "Bop to the Top" playing nonstop in my subconscious, I discovered that we were outside behind an old house. "We must have been in a old cellar," May noticed, glancing around. It was still dreary out from God knows how long ago. We didn't take much time to examine where we were and instead spread our wings, except May, of course, since she didn't have any. Luckily, Lachlan just picked her up and took off. We quickly rose up into the sky, Troye holding my hand the entire way, and disappeared into the clouds. We continued rising until we were above the clouds and were greeted by a beautiful sunset. I looked over at Troye and saw him smiling at me, his soft blue eyes twinkling with joy.

Why did he have to be so fudging cute?

"Feeling okay, Love?" He asked with a small smile. I would've fallen out of the sky if Troye wasn't holding my hand.

"Never better!" I replied with a smile, my heart fluttering quickly. Just then, Zoe, Lachlan and May flew over next to us.

"Follow me, we have to land so our friends can catch up," Lachlan said changing the direction he was flying in. We quickly followed and landed in a small field not to far away from where we were kept prisoner by that beast.

"Who exactly is coming?" I asked once we landed.

"Pentatonix," May answered calmly.

"YAS I LOVE MITCH AND SCOTT!" I squealed in excitement while clapping my hands.

"Funny that was May's reaction when she meet them for the first time," Lachlan said with a smirk.

"Shut up," She said glaring at him.

"Okay, you two have some explaining to do," Zoe said crossing her arms while glaring at Lachlan and Zoe. Now that she was in the light I could see that she had quite a few bruises on her arms and face, most likely from Myles. My fists itched to punch someone. I was furious that someone could hurt a person as sweet as Zoe. "I'm fine," she said pointedly at me, noticing my gaze.

"Okay then, what happened to you two?" I asked May and Lachlan.

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