Chapter 15

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Lachlan's POV

Alfie, Tyler, Zoe and I arrived at the medical ward. Alfie carried Zoe's limp form into an empty room and set her down on a bed. I stopped for a bit and took her pulse. Her breathing was calm, so I determined that she must have fainted. I explained to Alfie what I thought had happened and he agreed. He was holding Zoe's hand the entire time, looking like a mess, his hair disheveled and worry lines etched into his face, but I couldn't blame him. I'd look the same if it was--.

Tyler cut off my thoughts, saying he was about to return to the group to tell them what happened. Just as he was about to depart, three people rushed into the room, immediately attacking Alfie, Tyler and myself. Before I could get a sense of what was going on, my attacker punched me in the jaw and sent me sprawling to the ground. My vision went fuzzy for a second, quickly returning, but not before my attacker grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me up to my feet, slamming my head against the wall. They then proceeded to press a knife against my neck, keeping me from fighting back. I saw that it was a guy with dark skin, buzz cut black hair and brown eyes. He was roughly my height if not taller. I glanced over and saw Alfie in the same position as me, his attacker had similar features to mine. I glanced down and saw Tyler laying on the ground groaning in pain with a large, seething form standing over him. I didn't register the fact that it was Myles at first, but when I did, fear crept into my mind and froze my body in place.

"Quicker than expected. Wonderful!" He declared, looking down at Tyler. He kicked him in the gut causing him to groan again.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on any of them!" I yelled at him. Myles turned to face me and smiled, his dark brown eyes filled with a profound hatred betraying the facade. He was in blue jeans and a plain black short sleeved t shirt. In his hand was a huge knife similar in size to his old one.

"Hello there blondie," he growled. He walked over to me, abandoning Tyler who still lay on the floor convulsing in pain. He got about a foot away from me and put the tip of his knife to my cheek. "If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut." The menacing tone quieted me, but we both knew it wouldn't last long. The flick of his wrist left a stinging cut in my cheek. I grit my teeth and tried not to scream at him, fearing that he'd hurt one of my friends.

"You have been rather silently Mr. Deyes, what's on your mind?" He spat, getting closer to Alfie. I knew Alfie was 5 seconds away from exploding at him, but he didn't say anything, just stared at Myles with a look that sent chills up my spine. Myles chuckled and backed away from Alfie. He walked over and stood next to Zoe who was still laying on the bed, unconscious. "Ah, fate has brought us together my dear," he cooed, caressing her cheek.

"Get away from her," Alfie hissed in a low angry voice. By the way he was trembling with rage, I could tell he was about to pounce.

"You have no right to tell me what to do," Myles said calmly. "You should know that by now, but I wouldn't have a problem teaching that lesson to you again." He looked at the people who pinned us to the wall. "Now," he said with a nod of his head.

All hades broke loose.

The guy who pinned me to the wall punched me in the face again. I fell to the ground and before I could get up, the guy started kicking me in the gut. I tried not scream as he kept kicking and punching, but I couldn't hold back when I felt a burning in my right thigh. A dagger was jammed into my leg. I yelled in pain and my vision went red. I shook my head a few times and blinked until I was able to see again. Myles was carrying Zoe out of the room, followed by his two guys, one of them carrying Tyler. Alfie was lying on the floor, groaning in pain. I managed to get myself up and crawled over to him, sighing in relief when I saw he didn't appear to be bleeding anywhere important. I quickly stood up and stumbled over to a cabinet which contained medical supplies. I grabbed some bandages and while gritting my teeth pulled the knife out of my leg. My vision went dark for a second as I tried to support myself using the wall. I quickly put the bandages on, knowing they wounds last long, and ran back over to where Alfie lay. He groaned as I helped him up and together we 'ran' out of there, myself stumbling along the way. I looked up and saw at least 50 of Myles's people flying towards the main hall. We were gaining speed, my leg groaning in protest. When we got back to the main hall, Alfie sputtered out what had happened and everyone got ready for a fight. I ran over to May with Dan by my side.

"We have to go," Dan said quickly. When May agreed, I picked her up in a hurry and we began flying out. Dan and a few others covered our retreat as I flew as fast as possible, disappearing in the clouds. I continued flying at maximum speed, not once looking down at May. My leg was killing me and I knew I needed to get it looked at despite the fact that us angels healed faster and were less susceptible to infections.

"Lachlan, what happened?" May asked desperately.

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