Chapter 19

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May's POV

"I have some friends that might be able to help," Lachlan said tapping his watch and turning it on.

"Who exactly?" I asked cautiously.

"You'll see, I can carry for a few miles, just until we get to them," he said adding the last part in quickly before I could object. I didn't want him hurting himself for me; I knew he would in a second but it wasn't something I would ever take advantage of.

"Fine." Lachlan jumped up and started dashing towards the front door. I slung my backpack on and followed him up to the roof. When we got up there, he wordlessly swept me off my feet and took off. We flew in silence, the ground rapidly getting farther from us. After a few minutes, we began to descend towards a large building which I recognized as a sport stadium.

"Lachlan, are you taking me to a sports game?" I asked as we landed in a nearly empty parking lot. "I don't know if you know this but... We need to find Zoe!" I practically yelled at him.

"No, but we need help. You'll see," he said while grabbing my hand pulling me along with him to a large dark bus with blacked out windows, the only thing besides us in the massive parking lot. He walked straight up to the bus and banged his hand on the door 3 times in quick succession. We stood their for a few seconds before the door opened and two people jumped out, tackling Lachlan in the process.

"LACHY!" They screamed as they fell to the ground. I backed up a few feet, not knowing what was happening.

"Arg! Let me up!" Lachlan yelled from underneath the two people. They both stood in a rush, and good for them or else I would've kicked them all the way to Texas. I immediately noticed that one was extremely tall and the other was tiny. Well, at least compared to the giant man, though he was roughly my height. The taller of the two had blonde hair shaved at the sides but on top was styled in a quiff, his light blue eyes sparkling with amusement. He was in a cheetah print top with skinny blue jeans and a black backwards SnapBack. The other man had similar blonde hair with long bangs pushed to the left side of his face. He had deep brown eyes and was in a Beyoncé t-shirt with skinny blue jeans and black converse matching his friend. My fangirl instincts kicked in and I realized I was staring at Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi, which honestly didn't surprise me at first after the week I was having.

"May, this is-" Lachlan began before I cut him off.

"SCOTT HOYING AND MITCH GRASSI: PTX AND SUPERFRUIT QUEENS!" I shrieked, jumping up and down like a little kid. It took lots of self control to not tackle them right then and there, listing more facts about their lives along the way. "Sorry, wild fangirl," I said after regaining my composure.

"My people." Mitch hugged me then, causing my heart to go crazy. Scott quickly joined in.

"So, little Lachy brought his date to meet us?" Scott said with a smirk.

"N-No!" Lachlan stuttered going bright red.

"Aw, Lachy has a crush!" Mitch squealed clapping his hands excitedly.

"Umm," I said looking back and forth between the three of them.

"Darlin', I need to have a quick chat with Lachlan. Why don't you go in and meet Avi, Kirstie and Kevin?" Scott suggested, putting his hand on Lachlan's shoulder.

My eyes bugged out of my head, but I managed to squeak, "okay!"

(Lachlan's POV)

"You idiots." I hissed, slapping Scott's hand away after May had disappeared.

"Come on, it's so obvious you like her. The way you look at her just makes me want to start planning the wedding already," Mitch said rolling his eyes.

"That's none of your concern." I ground out stiffly my face heating up even more.

"It is entirely my concern since I'm going to be the maid of honor." Mitch said while adjusting his hair using the side of the bus as a mirror.

"No, I mean my love life." I sighed exasperatedly. "Let's just go in so I can explain what's happening."

"Fine, but you can't avoid the topic for forever!" Scott sang as he skipped up the steps and into the bus. Some things you could never unsee. I groaned as I quickly followed Mitch. When I got inside, I saw May sitting on a small couch in between Kirstie and Kevin, Avi next to Kirstie. Avi was the first one to notice us and stood up to greet us.

"Lachlan!" His normal deep voice rang out through the room while he grabbed me in a tight hug.

"Hey Avi," I said returning the hug. I hastily hugged Kirstie and Kevin, then sat down on the edge of the couch next to Avi.

"Okay, what's the situation?" Kirstie asked curiously.

May cleared her throat before beginning. "This is going to take a while." She looked around the room for their consent. "Well then, it all started with me and some watches," May began. She explained everything that happened with me occasionally popping in to help explain some parts.

"And that's pretty much it." I finished up the story.

"We're ready to go right now if you want, should be able to get there in a few hours," Kevin added as he stood, everyone following suit. "Though, Lachlan, you should probably take a break from flying and carrying May, one of us can take her and another you," he said addressing everyone.

"I'll take May!" Mitch said, a little too excitedly for my liking.

"I'll take Lachlan since I'm the only one taller than him," Scott said with a smirk.

"I don't need to be carried." I protested grumpily.

"Lachlan, you need to rest. I don't want you running yourself into the ground." May put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to blush.

"Only for you, May," I said groaning.

"Alrighty, let's go!" Mitch declared, dragging May and I out of the bus.

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