Chapter 4

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May's POV

I was speechless. I was in a alley way with two of the most famous people on the internet, and one of them could very likely be dead. Oh dear.

"TYLER!" Zoe screamed when she saw who it was. I glanced up at her, there was tears in her eyes as she kneeled down next to me. I tore my eyes away and focused on Tyler, there wasn't any visible blood or wounds. I put my fingers on his neck and checked for a heartbeat, his skin was still warm so that was a good sign.

I found a pulse, thank God.

"He's gonna be ok, he's just knocked out." I said, removing my hand from his neck as Zoe sighed with relief.

"W-we have to get him out of here, if one of the rebels comes back we're gonna be in big trouble, we don't have anything to defend ourselves with!" she stuttered hurriedly. I reached for my backpack and pulled out the knife I had taken from the dumpster guy.

"Not exactly, does this mean anything to you?" I asked holding it so she could see, there was a bit of dried blood on the blade and I almost gagged, and that was a lot coming from me. Zoe's eyes widened in shock and she scooted away from it, clearly not enjoying the sight of the slightly gory blade.

"That's....Myles's Knife, the guy you threw into the dumpster. That's his signature knife and I'm assuming he won't be to happy when he can't find it later..." she mumbled in a shaky, quiet voice.

The knife marked me as his target. Yay.

"Here," I said putting the knife back into my bag and picking Tyler up bridal style, "I'll carry Tyler to my apartment since it isn't too far from here. I recognize this street and it's only a few minutes away. If anyone asks why I'm carrying him just say that we were at a pub and he had too much to drink, okay?"

"Okay, lead the way." Zoe said nervously. We set off down the street and made a few turns until we were right at the entrance to my street. I had been awkwardly carrying Tyler trying to avoid his wings as much as possible, but I knew we would have to hide them in order to pass for somewhat normal people, and not a random girl with two insanely famous people, both of whom had wings that pretty much sparkled like Edward Cullen from Twilight.

Yes, I read the books. Don't judge.

"Um, what do we do about your, ah, feathery problem?" I said nodding my head at Tyler's wings.

"Oh, yeah, forgot about that!" She laughed shrilly, her wings fluttering nervously. "Here let me help with that," she said as she leaned over and put her hand on Tyler's wing. She folded it onto his back so it looked like he was just resting it and not hanging limp. She repeated the same maneuver to the other wing and they disappeared. Then she folded her wings in the same style and they disappeared. I was in awe for a second and I must have let it show because she promptly followed up by explaining to me when they tuck in here wings they "disappear" in a sense, though they are still there, just no one can see them until they unfold again. We braced ourselves and began our short trip down the somewhat busy street to my apartment. Luckily, many people were out drinking and they, too, were stumbling around so no one paid much attention to us.

We reached my apartment complex and I asked Zoe to grab my key out of my backpack. The two of us stood there for at least 30 seconds until she found it in my side pocket and we got the door open. I carefully walked through the door trying, not to hit Tyler's head on the way in, and successfully got him through and into my apartment. My apartment was, thankfully, not up any floors because the staircase is horribly small, only allowing maybe two thin people at a time through. I set him down on my couch which, gratefully, didn't have any stuff on it from this morning. It was dark inside so Zoe couldn't see anything as I made my way over to the light switch and flicked it on.

"Welcome to my humble home!" I said with gusto. Zoe's eyes widened as she took in all of my amazing geekiness in all of its nerdy glory.

"This is so cute!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"Thanks, I have some more books I need to shove onto my shelves," I said pointing at a bookshelf to her right which I had previously cleared off in preparation for all of the new YouTuber books I got. I slung my backpack off my shoulder and set it on the small arm chair I had sitting diagonal to the couch, now occupied by the unconscious form of Tyler Oakley. I opened my bag and set all the books on the coffee table, Zoe grabbed a few and when she realized what they were looked up at me in shock.

"Main reason why I didn't completely panic in that alley way and went along with you." I said slyly with a smile. I could feel my face going slightly red.

"Fair, it's not exactly an easy thing to comprehend, and thanks for watching my videos!" she said in an excited tone while holding up her books.

"Is it okay if I ask a few questions?" I asked nervously. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I wasn't gonna miss.

"Fire away!" she replied with a smile as she sat down gingerly on the couch next to Tyler, who was slumped over one of the sides. I then proceeded to sit down on the small arm chair and took a deep breath.

"Is Troyler real?" I shot out quickly in an over excited voice. I needed to know for the sake of an entire fandom.

"Tyler and Troye do like each other but scared to tell the other person how they feel, ironically they both came to me for advice- Just don't tell them I told you that!" she nodded her head at Tyler's unconscious form with a small smile on her face. "Also Phan is not a thing, and they are both single!" she said with a wink and a huge smile on her face as she held up The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire. Was it bad that I was hyperventilating?

"Do YouTubers ever get upset when someone leaves a mean comment or dislikes one of your videos?" I asked curiously. I honestly didn't know how they dealt with so much hate.

"Well, all YouTubers get down from time to time but we try not to let only a handful of people get to us when there's so many who love us." she answered thoughtfully.

"Have you guys ever had a huge war like this before?"

"In the past, way before YouTube was around," she said after thinking for a few seconds, "That was such a long time ago, hundreds of years probably. This war started after Myles was banished and his wings turned black, so now it's our main goal to track him down and get rid of him for good." She spat, her voiced laced with venom. I could tell that since she wouldn't make direct eye contact with me that there was more to this story, but I wasn't gonna ask yet so I changed the topic.

"Good to know!" I beamed. Zoe yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Are you tired?" I asked concernedly.

"A little bit. Today took a lot out of me..." She mumbled with another yawn.

"I'll move Tyler and you can have the couch if you want." I said standing up.

"Sure, that'd be great!" She proclaimed tiredly. I picked up Tyler and set him down on the arm chair so he was laying across the chair. Zoe grabbed one of the couch pillows and moved to the end of the couch then proceeded to lay down and closed her eyes. I left the room and grabbed a blanket from my bed, and when I came back Zoe was already fast asleep; she must have been extremely tired. I carefully set the blanket down on top of her and backed out of the room silently. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and went back into my bedroom. I collapsed onto my bed and I could feel Winston jump up and lay down next to me. I fell asleep immediately cuddling into his soft form, feeling only a tad bit bad for stealing the bed.

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