Chapter 3

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Dan's POV

So my day is going just swell for me. I woke up this morning in my apartment just expecting to browse the internet leisurely, maybe work on editing a new video and hang out with Phil but no, my watch had to go off while I was in my boxers getting some cereal scaring me half to death. I could hear one of the top guardians telling everyone that they had found a location where Myles and his group of rebels might be heading and telling us to get to the base within the hour so we could prepare for battle. Just as the announcement finished I heard Phil yell at me from the other room to get ready so I grabbed a stale bagel and stuffed it in my mouth as I ran back to my room to get dressed.

Five minutes later Phil and I were both ready to head out, I had changed into a pair of jeans and my Tokyo Ghoul t-shirt and Phil was wearing a white short sleeved t shirt with a cartoon lion on it along with jeans, typical Phil fashion.

"You ready, Dan?" Phil asked in a slightly nervous tone. He got panicky whenever I was assigned to missions since Myles had swore to get revenge on me after I got him exiled.

"Phil, I'm gonna be fine, don't bloody worry about me! You sound like my mum when you get flustered!" He didn't seem convinced as we walked up to the roof of our building and took off flying. See we don't have any magical powers like wand waving or potions unfortunately, but our two perks are that we can go invisible when we're flying and can turn other people invisible as well, regardless of their angels or not, and fly incredibly fast for short periods of time. I looked down and saw normal people going about their business. I sighed and wished I could be ignorant of the world's problems, but was snapped back to reality when I saw the base up ahead.

Our "base" is actually a castle named Pendennis Castle, It had 2 major buildings, one being the actual castle and the old barracks. It was a major tourist site but the head guardians pulled a few strings (wink wink) and now it was our so called base. It was armed to the teeth and had tons of soldiers protecting it, all of them guardians. There is a surprising amount of guardian angels but the ones who typically protect the fort are angels who have proven themselves in battle and have died saving someone or for something they believe in that's morally right. We made our landing in the middle of the two buildings and, off course, I crash landed and Phil had to help me up.

Good going, Dan.

We made our way to the castle, which served as our meeting hall, and made our way inside. We saw all of our friends hanging out and chatting amongst themselves. Most Youtubers you see on YouTube are guardian angels, some of us were picked to be angels before we even started YouTube, the vast majority though were picked just as they began. We all were considered to be "good hearted" even if we did get in vast amounts of trouble, but in the end we knew what was right from wrong and helped people around the world, we were called prestigious, wise, excellent leaders, blah, blah, blah.

Basically we helped people and stuff.

The meeting started as one of the Head Guardians appeared, well, sort of. They can't really come down to earth so they just talk through a very old phonograph thingy, something people used to play records on ages ago. They talked briefly on how they discovered that Myles and his group of criminals were planning on breaking into the Tower of London to try and steal the Crown jewels, I felt a nudge from behind me and turned to see Tyler Oakley and Connor Franta looking quite confused.

"What exactly are the 'crown jewels'?" Tyler whispered to me in a curious tone, I forgot that not everyone here was British. I explained that they were a priceless collection of jewels, crowns, scepters, rings, robes and a few others things that were used for the royal coronation ceremony. after a brief explanation I turned back to listen to the Head Guardian. He was just wrapping up but I caught that we were going there to protect the building at 7:00 PM that evening and we had the rest of the day to prepare. I glanced at my watch and saw it was already 2:00 PM, 5 hours to kill. I glanced around at everyone when my eyes fell upon Zoe Sugg, she was all alone sitting on a small bench in the corner with her head down, trying not to be noticed. I walked over and sat down next to her. She glanced up at me and when she saw who I was blushed deep red. We weren't involved or anything, she was head over heals in love with Alfie, she was embarrassed because I was the one who found out about how her ex boyfriend, Myles, was treating her.

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