Chapter 2

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May's POV (again, yay!)

They soon snap out of their shock as a tall guy steps forward and surveys the scene. I can tell he was surprised that I knocked out 3 grown men, but I grew up with all male neighbors and siblings so I was used to getting into fights. After a minute he looked straight up at me, the full moon peaked out from behind the clouds so I got a better look at him. He was slightly taller than me with dark brown hair and extremely dark brown, almost black, eyes. He was in a short sleeved all black t shirt revealing his arms, which were extremely muscled and covered in tattoos, he was basically the type of person my parents would've immediately incinerated had he ever got within 1,000 feet, sorry, meters of me.

"Okay then," He said with a hint of grudging respect in his voice. I could easily take on a 3v1 situation but there was defiantly more than 3 guys here and I was not liking the odds very much. The moon reflected off of something shiny in his belt loop, a huge knife engraved with fancy designs and a tightly leather handle.

I'm so dead.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to say something more something huge flew up from behind him and tackled him to the ground. All hades broke loose. More and more.... things flew out of the sky and began to fight the people surrounding me, everyone yelling orders whilst battling somebody else. I stood there in shock realizing that it was people, WITH WINGS, attacking the people who surrounded me. Some of the people around me began to sprout wings but theirs were different then the people who just flew in, theirs were pitch black and the people who just arrived had snow white wings. I snapped out of my shock and saw an opening to my left so I noped it out of there. I could hear shrieks and gunshots as I tore down the dark alley way. I was still in shock as I tried to put as much distance between me and the people who were fighting, had I just stumbled across an angel war? had God finally decided to punish me for all of my overdue books? My thoughts raced as I kept running. I could hear flapping behind me but it was still somewhat far away. I knew I needed to find a place to hide fast, there was no way I could outrun those........ people. I made a right and found myself in another dead end,


I spotted a big refrigerator box next to a dumpster and dived into it, hoping I didn't just leap onto a homeless person which, thankfully, I did not. I ripped my ear buds out, which somehow had stayed in, and stuffed them into my jeans pocket. The box's flaps were partly open so I could see out, the moon sank back behind the clouds as I heard flapping and a small thud on the pavement on the boxes right, just out of my line of vision. I heard slow footsteps until someone walked into my line of sight. I couldn't see who it was but I could tell that it was a shorter female with long hair, she was panting slightly as she kept glancing up at the sky, as if expecting someone to come down and strike her at any moment. Her wings were a brilliant white that seemed to glow in the dark. Just then the moon came out again and I almost screamed when I saw who it was.

It was Zoella.

Ok, what the flippin' heck (just gonna censor myself because boy that was not what I said) was a famous youtuber doing here and why did she have wings!? Zoella, Zoe, had a panicked expression her face as she kept toying with something around her wrist and muttering frantically to herself.

"Why won't you work!?" she said frustratedly. She was wearing a white short sleeved t shirt with a eiffel tower on it and ripped jeans with black converse, a good look on her. All the sudden someone landed behind her and silently crept up until they were a few feet away. I wanted to scream out a warning but I was too slow.

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