Chapter 5

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Zoe's POV (Dreaming)

Alfie and I were walking down a path at night, our hands entwined. I knew we were in the park that was next to our house and I could see the stars shinning brightly above us. Alfie suddenly stopped and faced me. He had a smile on his face and the stars were twinkling in his brown eyes. He was about to say something when I looked up and saw someone falling out of the sky, spiraling towards us. I screamed and Alfie turned around just in time to see the person hit the ground. I ran over and saw it was my brother. His wings were spread out around him in an odd angle and he had a bullet wound right over his heart, blood pouring out of it. His once life filled eyes now devoid of all light, his expression that of pure horror. Through the high pitched squealing in my ears, I could hear Alfie yell something in warning and I turned around numbly to see Alfie fall to the ground, dead. Standing over him I could clearly make out Myles's form holding his knife, dripping with blood.

Alfie's blood.

I stood up on wobbly legs and tried to move to protect my loved ones, but I couldn't, I was frozen I fear. Myles walked over with an evil grin on his face as he grabbed my hands and pulled me close to his face. His breath reeked of alcohol making me gag.

"I got you now, love, and nothing will ever separate us again." He said in sinister tone. I could only watch and shiver as he raised his knife above my head and brought it down with as much force as he could muster, straight into my already broken heart.

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