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Jason's POV

I researched. I may have researched too much. 

I found out all about Miley's past. I even watched her movies. I know, I am lame. I just couldn't help myself because once I had started I couldn't stop. I continued. Miley was an only child and she was also really famous. I found out she had been engaged to Liam Hemsworth, some Australian she met on a movie set. I even found pictures and articles about her partying. She seemed to love to party. A lot. She sure had a wild streak in her and I can see now why she needs a bodyguard.

When Liam and Miley broke up she seemed to party a lot and then there was a sudden stop where people didn't see her for a few months. I found websites and articles about what they thought happened when she disappeared. Obviously I wasn't sure what I was reading was even true. The articles suggested that she was in rehab. At that point, I knew I had seen enough.

I didn't need to know her life story to do my job effectively...though, I was rather intrigued by her.

Calvin walked into the apartment we were sharing. I was lucky that he was letting me crash here until I got my own place.

"Hey," I said looking over at him. His blonde hair was tousled on his head and he smelled of sex. I wonder where he was. Ha.

"What have you been up too?" He asked sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Nothing, really." I sighed. He laughed knowing that I was telling the truth. I didn't have much of a life, to tell the truth.

"I talked with the Billy." He said after a few moments of silence watching him scroll through his phone.

"What now?" I asked looking at him. 

"They are thinking about having you sign a non-disclosure agreement. They are going to be talking with their lawyer tonight." Calvin said clearing his throat. 

"I'm not surprised," I said shaking my head.

"What are you looking at?" Calvin asked looking at my computer screen.

"I was researching Miley," I said before closing the laptop. I wasn't trying to hide anything but I didn't need him to worry that I was getting too close.

He had always said, "stick to the job. Be professional. Don't get attached." He had a rule of not hooking up with clients which was odd for him considering he fucked anything that moved, but when the job was over it was free-range fucking for him.

"Ah, smart." He nodded. I let out a breath of relief, thanking god he wasn't going to lecture me.

"Yeah, she seems really interesting," I said hoping to end this conversation soon.

"I've seen a few of her movies and she is pretty hot. Not to mention, she is your type." Calvin laughed. Ugh.

"Enough," I said hitting his arm. Truly, I wanted this conversation to be over already.

"You're already becoming defensive about her." Calvin laughed while shaking his head.

"Fuck off," I spat getting up off the couch.

"Hey, you are in my house." He said sternly and then continued to laugh.

"Not for long," I shook my head. I couldn't wait to get my own place.

"Oh?" He asked surprised.

"After I get that first cheek, I will start looking for a place of my own." I shrugged.

"Good, I'm already tired of your pathetic ass. I'm over here trying to have a good time getting drunk and having a shit ton of sex and you just sit on my couch looking aimlessly at your computer." He said shaking his head with a playful smile on his face.

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