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Jason's POV

After a few minutes of wallowing in my self-pity, I pulled myself together. I am determined to win her back. I took a deep breath and pushed the unwanted feelings out of my mind. I needed to make sure everything was okay back at headquarters.

I grabbed my SAT phone and dialed Beau, my lead at headquarters, to check how things on his end were looking.

"Jason," Beau said once the lines connected. "How are things over there?"

"So far, okay. Any new info?" I asked as I took a seat in the living room.

"There has been some mild activity near you. We sent out Jeff and the team to keep a lookout. I hope we will have some new info soon." Beau said.

"Good to know," I said as I walked out the back door to take a look around the empty beach. Beau told me that we would be receiving another storm soon which slightly worried me.

"Have you been able to check in with the guys stationed down there?" He asked.

"Not yet," I said. "When I got in last night I came straight to the house because of the storm. Can Jeff go check-in with them? I don't want to leave Miley alone." I said before walking back into the house and shutting the back door behind me.

"Yeah, I will send him over." He said. "I'll keep you updated. Make sure to prepare the safe house for the next storm. It will be a bit bigger than the last." I agreed before saying goodbye and disconnecting.

I took in his advice and began to clean the house of the havoc the previous storm had caused. It was another way to distract myself from my thoughts about Miley.

I made sure to lock the house up and board the windows to ensure that everything was prepared for the next storm. I then pulled the bins out of the closet and made sure that there were enough candles and flashlights to last us a while before moving to on to get the canned food out of storage. I wanted to make sure that we had everything we needed before the next storm. My worry for Miley fueled me into over-preparing. I hadn't even noticed that she was downstairs until she was standing in front of me with her arms crossed.

"There is another storm coming through this afternoon. This one might be a bit longer and worse than the last." I said looking into her eyes. I could sense her pain and anger through her eyes.

"Great," she replied before my SAT phone began to ring. I quickly reached for it.

"Yes," I said answering it.

"It's Beau. We have a problem." He said and everything in me froze. I looked at Miley who was watching me intently. I did my best to pull myself together knowing that she would be able to read me.

"What is it?" I asked looking away from Miley.

"We sent some guys to go check on the guys staying here. They found them dead." He said. "It was the rogue agents. For security reasons, some of the men from headquarters will be coming to the house to keep watch. I know there is another storm coming in and this one is going to be bigger than the last. If they want to strike, it will during the storm. Be on the lookout and use your SAT phone to keep in contact." Beau said before hanging up. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

I didn't want to worry Miley, but I knew that keeping things from her wasn't going to work out for me. Not to mention how well she could read me.

"What?" she asked after I put down the phone.

"It seems they are here and might strike tonight...during the storm. Headquarters is placing some men around the house to watch for them," I said looking at her.

Miley nodded and sat down at the table just as someone knocked on the door. I went to answer it, so Miley didn't have too. I knew that she was still reeling in the news of what I had just told her.

"Hey," Jeff said once I opened the door.

"I just got off the phone with Beau." I nodded greeting him and the look in his eyes displayed to me just how bad things were.

"I think it would be a good idea if we had some men inside the house and outside." He said looking around the house. I nodded in agreement with him.

"Okay," I nodded. I was on board for anything that was going to keep Miley safe.

"The guys outside will stay hidden. At this point, we just want to kill these guys so the element of surprise will be the best." Jeff said and I agreed.

"I will have Mac lead the men out there and I'll lead the men inside the house. The safer we are the better." Jeff said as he let out a sharp sigh.

Like me, he wanted this to end. He has been chasing these guys for years now and he was just as fed up with them as I was.

"Alright," I said as Jeff and three other guys walked into the house.

Miley greeted the guys, but I could easily see that she wasn't excited about this and I couldn't blame her. Nothing about this was comforting. I knew now more than ever that I couldn't leave her side again.

Miley escaped to the living room and started reading. I took the time to talk with Jeff about what was next.

I sighed just thinking about our future...would I be able to patch things up with her? I didn't know if she would ever be able to forgive me...but, I was going to make sure that I did everything I could to fix this mess hanging on to the hope that she might give me a second chance.

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