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Miley's POV

I am breathing


I am dreaming


None of it feels right.

You were my breath.

You were my dreams.

But now...

Now it's all hollow

And full of pain.


I paid no attention to my surroundings mostly because I had way too much on my mind.

Jason was still my heart and my head. I knew there was no getting rid of him. But the thought of Jason pushed me into the hotel and into the elevator and onto Liam's floor with one of my bodyguards, Luke, trailing behind me.

I had to agree to have at least one bodyguard. Even though I knew another one was outside the hotel and possibly even more inside the hotel. I didn't argue it. It took enough arguing just to get them to let me leave the house.

"I'll be right out here. Let me know if you need anything." Luke said and I nodded in response.

I watched as he took a few steps back. He remained in the hall, a little bit away from Liam's room. I was grateful to have at least some space. These past 2 weeks I have felt like I have been under complete house arrest.

The only thing I did was film and sleep. And, of course, constantly think about Jason.

I took a few deep breaths to clear my mind. I honestly wasn't even sure why I was doing this. A part of me thought this might be a bad idea, and I had this gut-wrenching feeling that I shouldn't even go inside the room. But I needed something to keep my mind off of Jason and Liam would have to do.

I knocked on Liam's door and he quickly opened it and let me inside.

"Hey," Liam said shutting the door behind me. It was quick because we had agreed we wanted to stay out of the public eye.

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I was surprised by this action but I hugged back though it felt completely wrong. These weren't the arms that my heart was craving.

"How are you?" He asked pulling away with his hands still on my hips.

His felt wrong.

"Good," I nodded with a soft smile. 

His smile was bright on his face, so bright that you could see it in the dark. And he seemed...different. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"I'm glad you agreed to come. I have missed you." Liam said leading me into the living room of his hotel suite. His hand still holding mine.

It didn't feel right. His hands on me or anywhere near me. It used to be different. I used to want his touch but now I wanted nothing to do with it. My heart was aching within me and I knew it was because of Jason. Everything was because of Jason. It was driving me wild.

I didn't quite know how to respond so I just smiled at Liam. I mean, what could I say? I had agreed to see him after all. I put myself in this situation. But, I didn't miss him. Not one bit.

"Some wine?" He asked with a smile.

"Uh, sure," I said taking a seat on the couch. I still had a bad feeling but I tried to push the thought away and focus on the present.

"Here you go," Liam said handing me a glass of white wine. I smiled and drank some.

"Thanks," I said with a smile. I took a few sips and watched as Liam sat next to me.

"So, I hear you are working on a new project. How is that going?" He asked.

I was slightly surprised that he hadn't poured himself any wine but I didn't care to question it.

"Oh, yeah. It's been in the works for a few years. Some of the scenes are already done. I'll be flying to different locations next week." I said nodding my head.

"That is exciting," Liam said before clearing his throat.

"More?" He asked standing on his feet.

"No, thanks," I said. I still had plenty in my glass.

"How are things?" I asked him as he took his seat next to me again.

"Good, good." He nodded flashing me a smile.

"Glad to hear that." I smiled. "When was the last time we even talked face to face?" I asked curiously.

"Not sure. It has been a while." Liam shrugged.

"How is your family?" I asked trying to pick up the conversation. Something about his constant shifting bothered me.

"They are good. Nothing new really." Liam shrugged.

"Oh," I nodded and took another small sip of my wine.

"What about you? How are your parents?" Liam asked glancing at me but he was quick to look away.

"Okay, I guess." I shrugged. Something was obviously bothering him. "Is everything okay?" I asked as I looked at him closely.

"Oh yeah. Just a bit tired is all." He flashed me another smile and my stomach suddenly felt queasy.

I nodded my head dropping the subject completely and took another sip of my wine as I noticed my stomach starting to hurt.

"I'll be right back." Liam smiled before standing up and walking out of the room.

"Okay..." I said with a roll of my eyes.

I was actually starting to feel uncomfortable. I mean, I knew that this would be the first time we would have talked since the breakup itself but something just didn't feel right. And my stomach pains were beginning to grow.

Even Liam seemed...different. Though that didn't really mean much because I hadn't seen him in such a long time.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that Sara had texted me.


Miley, call me ASAP.

I was rather confused by her message but reluctantly I called her.

"Miley?" Sara's voice answered the phone frantically.

"Sara, everything okay?" I asked rather confused and concerned. Though my stomach pains we growing and I grabbed it in hopes that whatever it was would just go away.

"Are you with Liam?" Sara asked nervously.

"Yes, what's wrong?" I asked as my stomach grew as did my annoyance.

Liam was still gone and it has been at least ten minutes.

"Jason and Josh are on the way," Sara whispered.

"What?" I asked as I fell on the floor in pain.

"Sara," I groaned as I clutched my stomach.

"They are almost there!" Sara shouted.

I was so confused by what was happening. Liam was still missing. Sara saying that Jason and Josh were coming to get me. And this pain in my stomach that I could not describe.

I found my mind slowly start to drift as the pain took over nearly knocking me unconscious.  

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