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Jason's p.o.v

Miley slept peacefully throughout the night. I watched her sleep knowing that it was more than a job. I was falling for her and though it scared me, I wasn't going anywhere. Her actions tonight only proved that she wanted me here and I was happy to feel wanted.

The sun began to pour into the room as my hand continued to rest on Miley's back. She looked so relaxed like she had no cares in the world. God, she is perfect. I wanted to lay down next to her and hold her in my arms but I couldn't. It was still a job and I needed to maintain a healthy relationship.

"Mmm," Miley moaned as she began to wake up. I smiled down at her—so adorable.

"Good morning," I said once her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning," she said with a soft smile on her face. I wanted to kiss her lips right then and there but I couldn't...

"Did you get any sleep?" Miley asked as she began to sit up.

"No," I said with my eyes still on her.

"That's not good." She said furrowing her brows together.

"Don't worry about me, I am fine," I said with a smile. "Anyways, get your things together...we will be leaving soon," I said getting to my feet and walking towards the door.

"Okay," she mumbled getting out of bed.

I wanted to stay by her side but I knew that I couldn't be in the room alone with her for much longer without cracking.

"How is she doing?" Josh asked when I came into the living room.

Sara was there with Josh.

"She's doing okay." I nodded.

"I can't believe this happened," Sara said running her hands through her hair. She was worried about Miley.

"What's the plan?" I asked crossing my arms.

"We get out of New York. She starts filming soon." Sara said grabbing her phone off the coffee table.

"Where is the first film location?" I asked.

"Florida..." Sara said searching something on her phone.

"How about we go out of the country?" I asked.

"Well...that could work." Sara sighed looking over at Josh.

"I don't see how that could be a bad idea. It would be harder for this 'X' person to get to her if she was out of the country. And if he did follow we might be able to identify him." Josh said crossing his arms over his chest.

"What do you think, Jason?" Sara asked looking at me. I nodded as I thought it through.

"I think it would work. But, we should try not to draw attention to ourselves." I said nodding.

"How about we send Sara and the bodyguards to Florida to get things set up. It would make it look like Miley is there instead of out of the country. If you can keep a low profile." Josh nodded.

"It would look more believable if it were just Miley and I," I said thinking out loud.

"True," Sara said.

"I'll talk to Miley and then we will go from there," I said turning on my heel and walking back upstairs to Miley's room.

"Knock-knock," I said walking into the bedroom.

"Hey," Miley said as she packed up her suitcase.

"I just talked with Sara and Josh," I said shutting the door.

"And?" Miley asked looking at me.

Her eyes were full of hope. I smiled softly taking a few steps towards her.

"Well, we thought maybe we could go out of the country for a little. At least until filming starts." I said clearing my throat. "It would just be you and I. Sara, Josh and the team would go to Florida and make it seem like you are there. What do you think?" I asked.

It was a way for me and her to be alone together and I was hopeful that maybe...I don't know what I hoped.

"Well, that doesn't seem like a bad idea." She sighed. "What if he follows us?" Miley asked crossing her arms and looking away from me.

"I think if we keep a low profile...we will be fine. And if he does follow us, we will find out. It would also help identify him." I said walking towards her.

"Okay," she sighed.

"Hey," I said pulling her into a hug. "You know I won't let anything happen to you," I whispered into her ear.

"I know...I trust you." She whispered.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smiled while pulling away. I gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving her to finish packing.


"Jason," Miley's voice erupted from the other side of the cottage we were staying in.

"Yes," I said walking out of my room and towards hers.

We landed in Italy only a few hours ago. We were now settling into a small cottage in the countryside. Sara had planned everything out for us. We made it through the airport without being spotted. Josh made sure of that, and so did I.

We were safe...Miley was safe.

"This place is nice." Miley smiled as she emerged from her room.

"Are you hungry?" She asked walking closer towards me.

"Uh, yes," I said after clearing my throat.

"I'll cook something for us!" Miley giggled walking into the small kitchen. She was rather excited and I loved seeing this side of her.

I decided to follow behind her. She seemed relaxed and happy. A lot happier than I have ever seen her. It was refreshing.

"I'll make pasta!" Miley said as she turned around to face me. The smile was still bright on her face. "I mean, we are in Italy so we might as well eat Italian food!" She said as she bounced around the kitchen cooking.

Sara had ensured that the room was stocked with any and everything that we needed. 

"You seem to know what you are doing." I smiled. I sat down at the small kitchen table that sat in the corner of the room.

"I'm not the best cook but I know how to make some things." She said with a soft laugh.

It was peaceful seeing her like this. Miley was truly happy and content and I wanted to be the one to make her feel this way. Maybe I could or maybe not.

"What are you thinking about?" Miley asked as she placed a plate of steaming spaghetti in front of me.

"Uh, nothing," I said. I suppose I zoned out while I was watching her.

"Are you sure?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," I nodded. "I was just thinking about how nice this is."

"It is nice, isn't it?" She asked. There was a twinkle in her eyes and I could see that she truly was happy.

She took a large forkful of spaghetti and shoved it into her mouth. I couldn't help but chuckle at how messy she was.

"What?" She asked looking at me with pasta hanging out of her mouth. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"You're adorable," I said shaking my head.

I was surprised that I had said that out loud but I wasn't going to take it back now. Besides, she is adorable.

"Uh, thanks," Miley said after she swallowed her pasta.

I could see the blush rising in her face and I wanted nothing more than to call her out for it but I decided not to. God, I wish that it can be like this forever

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