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Jason's POV

"How are things?" Josh asked after Miley had gone inside.

"Good," I nodded. "We had a nice meeting this morning with the director. Everything seems to be going smoothly." I said taking a sip of my beer. "I haven't received any more texts since this morning either," I said shaking my head.

"I tried to track it but it was a burner phone," Josh said giving me a strange glance. "Did you tell her about it?" He asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I don't want to worry her," I admitted.

"Do you think X will really do something?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I sighed.

The text messages from this morning put me on edge. X had said he will be watching and expects me to break up with Miley, and I told him to fuck off. I'm not sure what this guy is capable of but I don't like him one bit.

"Any news?" I asked sending him a glance and he shook his head.

"Have you gotten any word from her parents?" Josh asked.

"Not since the court appearance." I shook my head.

"I'm looking into them. So far I haven't found anything but just keep an eye out." Josh said.

"Have any theories?" I asked.

"Aside from the parents, I'm not sure. At first, I thought it was a crazed fan...still could be." Josh shook his head.

"The parents are crazy but I don't think they would do this," I said shaking my head.

"And a crazed fan?" Josh asked.

"I don't know...a crazed fan fits but it seems bigger than that," I said letting out a sigh.

"A crazed ex?" Josh laughed.

"Perhaps," I said seriously.

I had put a lot of thought into who this 'X' character was and each time I came up empty. What worries me, even more, is that X has yet to let us know what he wants. Did he want to kill Miley? Did he want money? Was this blackmail? We don't know.

"I've done some digging and nothing has come up," Josh said with a shrug.

"I know..." I sighed. "Whoever the fucker is, I'm getting fed up," I admitted.

"You and me both," Josh admitted.

"Shit," Josh swore as his phone began to buzz.

"Well, it seems like the news is now aware of Miley's stalker," Josh said handing me his phone. It was a recent news story about this 'X' guy.

"Wonderful," I said shaking my head.

"This must be his next move," Josh said shaking his head.

"This isn't good," I said as I looked at the latest news on my phone. Everything was about Miley and her stalker.

"I better get out of here. Let me know if anything comes up." Josh said as he followed me back into the house.

"Will do," I said leading him out the front door.

I now had to tell Miley about what Josh and I had just discovered.

"Great," I heard her sigh from the bedroom.

"Miley," I said opening the door.

"What?" She snapped as I walked inside.

She was clearly distraught already.

"I'm guessing you already saw?" I asked letting out a sharp sigh.

"Yeah," she said before walking into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

"Miley," I breathed as I walked toward the bathroom door.

"Leave me alone." She yelled back obviously upset.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"No," she replied.

"Don't do this..." I sighed before laying on the bed. My leg was slowly healing and surprisingly hadn't been giving me any trouble today.

"Go away," she shouted.

"We are sharing the room," I stated.

"Ugh," she huffed.

I felt as if something bigger was bothering her but I wasn't really in the mood to try and figure out what it was. I had X to worry about.

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