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Miley's p.o.v

The Hamptons. I have to admit that I love it here. I am close to the city but far enough away to have peace and quiet. Sara didn't stay long which I was happy about. 

Sara was always worried and asking if I was okay. I am happy to have her but I need some space to breathe and she is always hovering. Jason was another story.

Jason kept his distance. I was happy that he did because I really didn't know how to act around him. I felt it was best that we keep a professional relationship which was going to be hard for me. I could be professional but I was too friendly and bubbly. I talked too much.

I walked downstairs thinking that I would just sit outside and tan. Jason was already outside gazing at the ocean. I stood in the doorway just watching him. I could see that he was tense. He let out a shaky breath and looked at his phone. Something was bothering him.

"Hey," I said stepping out of the doorway.

"Oh, hey." He said shoving his phone into his pocket. 

"Is everything okay?" I asked taking a few more steps towards him.

"Yeah," he nodded. I could tell that it wasn't but I didn't want to press it.

It was clear that he was stressed out. Perhaps he was overworking himself. I didn't want him to be stressed.

"Well, if you want to talk..." I started.

"Thanks," he said abruptly. He walked off the porch and into the sand before pulling out a cigarette. I rolled my eyes at his behavior and watched him walk toward the beach.

I guess he still smokes. I shrugged and laid down to tan. I put sunglasses on and felt my thoughts out weight everything. 

I couldn't help but be concerned. I had so much going on that I didn't really know how to balance everything. Not only do I have a stalker, but Jason and I also are a mess, and Liam keeps texting me.

Liam wants to meet up and talk things over. I haven't responded but I can't stop thinking about it. What did he want now? I wasn't sure that I even wanted to know at this point. I had cut Liam out a long time ago but that didn't mean that I didn't care at all about him. We were together for a long time.

I could talk to Sara about it but then she would just worry and tell me to do this or that. Then she would talk about my career. I didn't want to talk to her about that. About any of that.

Jason...well I don't know what to say about him.

Jason walked back up the porch and put out his cigarette.

"I thought you quit?" I asked looking over at him. I smiled softly.

"Uh, yeah." He mumbled before scratching his head.

His hair was a moppy mess on top of his head. It was rather adorable but I didn't tell him that.

"Smoking is bad for you," I giggled.

"You're one to talk." He shook his head. I saw a small smile appear and quickly disappear on his face.

I missed his smile.

"I suppose so. I don't smoke weed anymore though." I shrugged hoping to keep the conversation going.

"How much weed did you smoke?" He asked sitting in the chair next to me. He leaned forward and place his elbows on his legs. His white t-shirt was almost see-through and I could clearly see the outline of his tattoos. I wanted to see all of them.

"Too much," I giggled. "I was stoned all the time. It was easier to be stoned when I hung out with my parents. It helped me to deal with them." I rolled my eyes at the thought.

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