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Miley's POV

"Hey," I said walking into my kitchen to see that Jason was already there waiting on me.

He was leaning against the countertop with his phone in his hand, the other hand in his pocket. He stopped what he was doing and looked directly at me.

"Sorry about last night. I thought I was going to stay, but your dad had other plans." He said with a sigh. "I hope it wasn't that bad after I left." He cleared his throat before pushing himself away from the counter and shoving his phone into his other pocket. I could tell that he was approaching this conversation delicately, and I could tell that he thought I was upset with him.

"It's fine," I smiled softly and shook my head. "Don't worry about it. I know how my dad can be. Did he say anything?" I asked raising my brows in question.

Last Night 

After Jason left, my parents drilled me on questions about how the filming went, and they also informed me of what was next on my agenda. My father also made sure to tell me that I needed to treat Jason like a bodyguard and that I should only talk to him when I needed him because, after all, he was getting paid and this was his job. I wasn't allowed to forget that he was basically getting paid to babysit me.

As the night went on I noticed that they were acting really strange, and I couldn't tell why. I know that they aren't yet aware that we are going back to court soon but they seem to be up to something and that only put me on edge.


"No," Jason shook his head. "He just asked me a shit ton of questions about the filming and what you did while you were there. He didn't say much of anything." He shrugged.

"I'm not surprised." I rolled my eyes.

"I was so angry I had to go to the gym and burn some energy off." He sighed. I could tell that the subject of my father seemed to make him angry, and I have to admit that it turned me on to see that side of him. He was hot when he was pissed off.

"I heard," I giggled and shook my head.

"What?" He asked looking at me confused.

"Because you are my bodyguard, my fans are, like, obsessed with you and they seem to always know where you are. I went on Twitter late last night and there were pictures posted of you at the gym." I laughed. 

I know this is probably really strange to him, and if I had not said anything he would have never known he had stalkers, or nicely put, fans.

"That's fucking weird." He said shaking his head. "I didn't even notice that there were people watching me." His face held more confusion.

"I know," I smiled. He was rather confused by the whole situation and it was rather hilarious. 

"You have stalker fans." He said with a straight face. It seemed to freak him out a little bit.

"I know that, too." I laughed. I couldn't help but laugh at his expressions, and how oblivious he was to everything.

"Whatever," he said rolling his eyes.

"What? You don't like that I always know where you are?" I smiled and tilted my head.

"Anyways, have you spoken to your lawyers yet?" He asked changing the subject.

"Changing the subject because I hit a cord?" I laughed.

"Shut up," he laughed as a smile flashed on his face but quickly disappeared.

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