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Jason's p.o.v

Miley hadn't talked to me for a week now, and I felt like I was drowning. 

To be fair I never tried to reach out to her either. I didn't even know what I would say. I had attempted to write a text, actually a few texts, but I would simply erase it a second later. Maybe I just didn't have the balls to do anything or maybe my feelings for her were just too complicated to comprehend.

The best thing I could do was to separate my feelings from her, and myself. If I ignored what I felt, then maybe I would be able to handle things.

Unfortunately, I needed a job. I wasn't sure how to find another job considering I didn't exactly quit my last one. If I wanted to stay as a bodyguard I would need a recommendation from the Cyrus family or Miley, but I don't think that is going to happen. I had some money saved up but I was starting to stress out. I needed something to keep myself busy. Being around Miley and working for her helped a lot. I didn't have the job for a long period of time but it was good while it lasted.

I knew I had at least one option but I wasn't sure that I wanted to go down that road. I knew that I could try to get my job back. She needed me, maybe not as much as I needed her. I mean, it wasn't the best solution but at least I would be in a better situation because I would be around Miley.

When I was around her I was calm, cool, and collected. When I wasn't around her I was a fucking mess and I hated myself. All I did was think of her and worry about whether or not she was okay. Not to mention, I needed something to do. I knew how to be professional even though it was hard to be completely professional around her.

I debated with myself for the whole day about what I should do. I knew that I would ultimately come to the same conclusion: I needed her.

I reached for my phone and began to text Miley.


Hey. So I was wondering if you still needed a bodyguard. 

I wasn't completely confident in my text message but what else was I going to say? I waited impatiently for her to text me back. I waited for an hour. She was doing this to me on purpose. I wanted to cuss her out but I didn't want to be an asshole.


I have been talking with my manager and she has been working on getting me a security team. I need a lead bodyguard that I can work with and trust, so if you are actually interested then the job is yours.


Okay. When do you need me?


I will be having a meeting with my manager tomorrow at my place. Come by around 12 pm and we can talk about the job.


I'll see you then.

I was surprised that she actually gave me my job back. Though things were different. I could feel her distance through the texts. She wasn't happy. Not that I blamed her. I wasn't completely thrilled about what all she said. This was supposed to be a professional relationship, not anything more.


I parked my car in Miley's driveway. I quickly checked my hair before jumping out of the car. I was nervous but I had to remain professional. I slowly made my way to the door. Taking a few deep breaths as I approached the door. I wasn't sure I was ready to see her again. 

Would my feelings still be the same as before? It had been over a month since I had last seen her.

As I was about to knock, Miley opened the door.

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