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Jason's POV

Miley's words rang through me aching through every inch of my body. She is right. I would never have shown up here if it weren't for this new development.

I honestly didn't know what to say. I watched as she left the room as tears began to stream down my face.

I have never been much of a crier but right now, I can't seem to help any of it.

"Miley," I called after a few minutes.

There was a fire in me and I needed to talk to her.

"Miley," I said walking into the kitchen.

"You're right," I breathed. "I never would have come here if there wasn't a problem. Maybe it's my pride, or maybe I am a coward—it's probably both." I said with a sigh.

Miley turned around to face me once again crossing her arms over her chest. She didn't look happy and she didn't look sad...she looked emotionless. I had hurt her, that I knew now more than ever.

"I wanted to see you, to know that you were okay with my own two eyes. I haven't handled any of this the right way, because I don't know what the right way is." I shook my head.

"Being here, and seeing you again has really hit me. I see the hurt that I have caused you, and I hate myself for it. This was never my intention. I thought that once this was all over I would tell you everything and get you back. I thought you would forgive me for everything, but I realize that is a stupid way to think. I ignored your feelings and I am so sorry." I said shaking my head.

I looked at her and we locked eyes. I couldn't help but get lost in them for a moment.

"I might not have ever shown up here, but I knew that I would never stop until you were safe and happy. All I have ever wanted to do is make you happy." I paused running my hands through my hair.

My heart was beating a mile a minute within my chest. I could get a hold of myself and my feelings and I felt as if I might combust from within.

"I realize that I might not ever be able to fix this, and I might never be able to have you in my arms again. I realize that I am not the right guy for you because you deserve so much more than I can give you." I shook my head once more.

These words needed to be said out loud. I needed her to hear this. Even if it doesn't change a thing.

"Please just know that I will always be here, and I will always love you," I said looking away from her.

"Jason, I never asked you to be the perfect guy. I asked you to be honest with me. I asked you to be yourself. I fell in love with you, all of you. Not the parts that you fake for me, but for the real you. It's not about who is right or wrong for me, it's about who I love and want to be with." Miley said shaking her head.

Her truth was evident in her words and I realized just how much I had let her down. She didn't want anything but me and I managed to fuck everything up. I lost the only person I have ever truly loved. I lost the only person who saw me for me and loved me for me.

"Well, I fucked things up." I sighed. What have I done?

I shook my head and furiously ran my fingers through my hair once more. This is it.

"I'm sorry," I whispered once more before turning away from her. I couldn't face her anymore. I had done so much damage and looking at her while knowing that I could never have her hurt more than I could ever explain.

"I'll do my best to remain professional but don't ever doubt, even for a second, I don't love you," I said before walking out of the room.

Everything hit me like a truck and the storms coming through were much more ironic and symbolic than they were before. Miley was my storm.

I wanted to be one with her but I knew that wasn't going to happen. That didn't mean that I wasn't going to stop trying. I was never going to give up. Not on her. Not on us.

Miley is my everything.

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